All Cheatsheets

Puppet Cheatsheet
Puppet Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Puppet concepts, syntax, and commands for effective infrastructure management and automation in DevOps and Cloud environments.

GitLab CI/CD Cheatsheet
GitLab CI/CD Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for GitLab CI/CD, covering essential concepts, syntax, and best practices for automating your software development pipeline.

Puppeteer Testing & Debugging Cheatsheet
Puppeteer Testing & Debugging Cheatsheet

A practical guide to testing and debugging Puppeteer scripts, covering common techniques and tools for robust automation.

CoffeeScript Cheatsheet
CoffeeScript Cheatsheet

A concise reference for CoffeeScript, covering syntax, features, and best practices for this elegant JavaScript dialect.

Nim Programming Language Cheatsheet
Nim Programming Language Cheatsheet

A concise reference for the Nim programming language, covering syntax, data types, control flow, and advanced features for quick lookup and efficient coding.

LabVIEW Cheat Sheet
LabVIEW Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential LabVIEW concepts, functions, and development practices.

CFML Cheatsheet
CFML Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), covering syntax, data types, control structures, functions, and more.

Web Development Cheatsheet
Web Development Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential web development technologies, concepts, and best practices. Useful for both beginners and experienced developers.

Forth Programming Language Cheatsheet
Forth Programming Language Cheatsheet

A concise reference for the Forth programming language, covering its core concepts, syntax, and common words for stack manipulation, arithmetic, control flow, and memory access.

ML Programming Language Cheatsheet
ML Programming Language Cheatsheet

A concise cheat sheet covering the essential syntax, features, and concepts of the ML programming language family (Standard ML, OCaml, F#). Useful for quick reference and learning.

Modula-2 Cheatsheet
Modula-2 Cheatsheet

A concise cheat sheet for the Modula-2 programming language, covering syntax, data types, control structures, and module structure.

Mercury Programming Language Cheatsheet
Mercury Programming Language Cheatsheet

A concise reference for the Mercury programming language, covering syntax, data types, control flow, and module system.

Logo Programming Language Cheatsheet
Logo Programming Language Cheatsheet

A concise cheat sheet for the Logo programming language, covering basic commands, syntax, and concepts. Perfect for beginners learning turtle graphics and fundamental programming principles.

Bash Scripting Cheatsheet
Bash Scripting Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Bash scripting, covering essential syntax, commands, and best practices.

Delphi Programming Cheatsheet
Delphi Programming Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Delphi developers, covering essential syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming concepts.

AWK Cheatsheet
AWK Cheatsheet

A concise cheat sheet covering essential AWK syntax, patterns, actions, and built-in functions, designed to help you quickly write and understand AWK scripts.

Smalltalk Cheatsheet
Smalltalk Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Smalltalk syntax, core concepts, and common idioms, designed to assist both beginners and experienced developers.

OCaml Cheat Sheet
OCaml Cheat Sheet

A concise reference for OCaml syntax, data structures, and common functions. Perfect for quick lookups and reminders.

Racket Programming Cheatsheet
Racket Programming Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Racket programming, covering syntax, data structures, control flow, and module system basics.

Scratch Programming Cheatsheet
Scratch Programming Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to Scratch, a visual programming language for creating interactive stories, games, and animations. This cheatsheet covers essential blocks, concepts, and best practices.

PL/SQL Cheatsheet
PL/SQL Cheatsheet

A concise reference for PL/SQL, covering syntax, data types, control structures, and common operations for Oracle database programming.

SQL Cheatsheet
SQL Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to SQL syntax, commands, and best practices for data manipulation and database management.

Assembly Language Cheat Sheet
Assembly Language Cheat Sheet

A quick reference for Assembly Language syntax, instructions, and concepts. Covers basic instructions, addressing modes, and common programming constructs.

Prolog Cheat Sheet
Prolog Cheat Sheet

A concise reference for Prolog syntax, predicates, and common programming patterns.