
Cheatsheet creation

When you create a cheatsheet, you can choose a category for it. This will help you organize your cheatsheets and find them later.

Cheatsheet editing

Cheatsheet editor
  • edit cheatsheet
  • edit sections
  • edit rows
  • edit cells
  • switch page layout, grid or column
  • see public cheatsheet page, download PDF
  • change cheatsheet status, publish or unpublish
  • delete cheatsheet (scroll to bottom of the page)
Cheatsheet editor
  • add images, code snippets, links and other content
  • use preview mode to see your changes before saving
  • link to help and tips page.

You can edit your cheatsheet in the editor. You can add, remove and edit sections, rows and cells. Additionally you can add images, code snippets, links and other content. Editor allows you to use Markdown formatting and MathJax for mathematical formulas. You can also use custom CSS to style your cheatsheet.

Cheatsheet statuses

Status Description
pending The cheatsheet is being created.
draft The cheatsheet is created, but not published (not available for public use).
published The cheatsheet is published and available for public use.
error The cheatsheet creation failed.

Cheatsheet PDF generation

You can generate a PDF version of your cheatsheet. This will be a downloadable file that you can share with others. There are options to customize the PDF, such as the page format, zoom, orientation, and margins.