Catalog / Chai Assertion Library Cheatsheet

Chai Assertion Library Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the Chai assertion library, covering various assertion styles and methods for effective testing in JavaScript.

Introduction to Chai

Chai Overview

Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be paired with any JavaScript testing framework.

It provides a clean and readable syntax for writing test assertions.

Chai supports several interfaces: should, expect, and assert. This cheat sheet will primarily focus on expect and assert styles, which are commonly used.

Installation: npm install chai --save-dev

Importing Chai:

const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect; // for 'expect' style
const assert = chai.assert; // for 'assert' style

Expect Style Assertions

The expect style provides a chainable way to express assertions.

Basic Syntax: expect(value).to.assertion



Assert Style Assertions

The assert style provides a more traditional way to express assertions, similar to standard assert.

Basic Syntax: assert.assertion(value, message)


assert.equal(foo, 'bar', 'foo should equal bar');
assert.lengthOf(list, 3, 'list should have a length of 3');

Common Assertions with Expect

Equality Assertions


Checks for deep equality (using ===)


Checks for deep equality of objects and arrays


Alias for eql


Checks the type of a value


Alias for a

Existence and Truthiness


Checks if a value is not null or undefined


Checks if a value is null or undefined


Checks if a value is strictly true


Checks if a value is strictly false


Checks if a value is truthy

Number Assertions


Checks if number is greater than number2


Checks if number is less than number2


Checks if number is greater than or equal to number2


Checks if number is less than or equal to number2

expect(number), max)

Checks if number is within the range [min, max]

Common Assertions with Assert

Equality Assertions

assert.equal(actual, expected, message)

Tests shallow, coercive equality with the equal comparison operator ( == )

assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message)

Tests strict equality ( === )

assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message)

Tests for deep equality

assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message)

Tests shallow, coercive inequality with the not equal comparison operator ( != )

assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message)

Tests strict inequality ( !== )

assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message)

Tests for deep inequality

Type Assertions

assert.isOk(value, message)

Tests if a value is truthy

assert.isNotOk(value, message)

Tests if a value is falsy

assert.isTrue(value, message)

Tests if a value is strictly true

assert.isFalse(value, message)

Tests if a value is strictly false

assert.isDefined(value, message)

Tests if a value is not undefined

assert.isUndefined(value, message)

Tests if a value is undefined

assert.isNull(value, message)

Tests if a value is null

assert.isNotNull(value, message)

Tests if a value is not null

assert.typeOf(value, type, message)

Tests if the type of value is as expected

Number Assertions

assert.isAbove(value, above, message)

Tests if a value is greater than another value

assert.isBelow(value, below, message)

Tests if a value is less than another value

assert.isAtLeast(value, atLeast, message)

Tests if a value is greater than or equal to another value

assert.isAtMost(value, atMost, message)

Tests if a value is less than or equal to another value

Additional Chai Features

String Assertions


Checks if string contains substring


Alias for include


Checks if string matches the regular expression regex

assert.include(haystack, needle, message)

Asserts that haystack contains needle.

assert.match(string, regexp, message)

Asserts that string matches the regular expression regexp.

Array Assertions


Checks if array contains value


Alias for include


Checks if array has a length of number

assert.lengthOf(object, length, message)

Asserts that object has expected length.

assert.isArray(value, message)

Asserts that value is an array.

Object Assertions


Checks if object has a property named key

expect(object), value)

Checks if object has a property named key with value value


Checks if object has a nested property specified by path, property, message)

Asserts that object has property.

assert.deepProperty(object, property, message)

Asserts that object has a deep property.

assert.propertyVal(object, property, value, message)

Asserts that object has property with expected value.