Catalog / Django Cheat Sheet
Django Cheat Sheet
A quick reference guide for Django, covering models, views, templates, forms, and common commands.
Model Definition
Defining a model involves creating a Python class that inherits from Example:
Field Types
For strings of limited length. |
For long text entries. |
For integer values. |
For floating-point numbers. |
For boolean (True/False) values. |
For dates (year, month, and day). |
For dates and times. |
For many-to-one relationships. |
For many-to-many relationships. |
Model Methods
Saves the current instance. |
Deletes the current instance. |
Returns a human-readable string representation of the object. |
Function-Based Views
Function-based views are Python functions that take a request object as input and return a response. Example:
Class-Based Views
Class-based views are Python classes that inherit from Django’s view classes (e.g., Example:
Common Decorators
Requires the user to be logged in. |
Requires the user to have a specific permission. |
Ensures that the view is executed within a transaction. |
Template Syntax
Outputs a variable. |
Executes a template tag. |
Template comment. |
Common Tags
Loops through a list. |
Conditional statement. |
Extends a parent template. |
Includes another template. |
Reverses a URL pattern. |
CSRF protection token. |
Converts a value to lowercase. |
Converts a value to uppercase. |
Formats a date. |
Provides a default value. |
Returns the length of a value. |
Form Definition
Defining a form involves creating a Python class that inherits from Example:
Form Rendering
Forms can be rendered in templates using Example:
Field Types
For strings of limited length. |
For email addresses. |
For integer values. |
For boolean (True/False) values. |
For dates (year, month, and day). |
For select inputs. |