Catalog / Laravel Cheat Sheet
Laravel Cheat Sheet
A quick reference guide for Laravel developers, covering essential commands, concepts, and configurations.
Basic Commands & Concepts
Artisan Commands
Display the Laravel version. |
Create a new controller. |
Create a new Eloquent model. |
Create a new migration file. |
Run pending migrations. |
Rollback the last migration. |
Start the built-in PHP development server. |
Enter the interactive Tinker shell. |
Display all registered routes. |
Directory Structure
Routing and Controllers
Basic Routing
Route Parameters
Required parameter. |
Optional parameter. |
Eloquent ORM
Basic Model Operations
Get all records. |
Find a record by primary key. |
Create a new record. |
Update an existing record. |
Delete a record. |
Blade Templating
Basic Syntax
Display a variable (automatically escaped). |
Display a variable without escaping. |
Conditional statement. |
Looping. |
Components and Layouts
Check if the user is authenticated. |
Check if the user is a guest. |
Generate a CSRF token field. |