Catalog / Scala Cheatsheet
Scala Cheatsheet
A concise reference for Scala syntax, features, and common use cases, designed to boost productivity and aid quick recall.
Basics & Syntax
Variables & Data Types
Declares an immutable variable. Its value cannot be changed after assignment. Example:
Declares a mutable variable. Its value can be changed after assignment. Example:
Basic Data Types |
Type Inference |
Scala can often infer the type, so explicit type declarations are optional. Example:
String Interpolation |
Embed variables directly in strings. Example:
Multiline Strings |
Use triple quotes to define multiline strings. Example:
Scala uses similar operators to Java: arithmetic ( |
Note that |
Control Structures
Powerful pattern matching.
Functions & Classes
Function Definition |
Anonymous Functions (Lambdas) |
Currying |
Transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that takes a single argument and returns another function that accepts the remaining arguments.
Default Arguments |
Higher-Order Functions |
Functions that take other functions as arguments or return them as results.
Class Definition |
Auxiliary Constructor |
Case Classes |
Automatically provides
Traits |
Similar to interfaces in Java, but can also contain implemented methods and fields.
Common Collections
An ordered, immutable sequence of elements.
A collection of unique elements.
A collection of key-value pairs.
A mutable, fixed-size sequence of elements. More like Java arrays.
Indexed, immutable sequence. Provides fast random access and updates (amortized).
Collection Operations
Scala collections provide a rich set of operations using higher-order functions. These methods generally return a new collection (immutability). |
Advanced Features
Pattern Matching
Matching Literal Values |
Matching on Types |
Matching Case Classes |
Guards |
Adding conditions to case statements.
Implicit parameters, conversions, and classes allow for powerful type-safe abstractions and DSL creation. Use with caution, as they can make code harder to understand. |
Implicit Parameter: A parameter that the compiler can automatically provide if it’s not explicitly passed.
Implicit Conversion: Automatically converts one type to another.
Implicit Class: Adds methods to an existing class.