Catalog / Basecamp Keyboard Shortcuts

Basecamp Keyboard Shortcuts

A handy cheat sheet for navigating and using Basecamp efficiently with keyboard shortcuts.

General Navigation

Global Shortcuts

g + h

Go to Home.

g + a

Go to All Projects.

g + m

Go to My Stuff.

g + @

Go to Mentions.

g + d

Go to the Daily Recap.


Show keyboard shortcuts help.

Project Navigation


Jump to the Campfire (chat).


Go to the Message Board.


Open the To-do list.


Access the Schedule.


Go to Docs & Files.


Open the project Admin page (if you have admin rights).

Writing and Formatting

Text Formatting


Italicize text.


Bold text.


Underline text.


Create a link with text pointing to url.

> text

Create a blockquote for text.

- text

Create a bullet point list item.

Code Snippets

Use backticks (```) to create code blocks:

function helloWorld() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");

Inline code can be formatted using single backticks: code example

To-Do Lists

Creating and Managing To-Dos

Ctrl/Cmd + Enter

Create a new to-do while typing.


In a to-do list, pressing Enter creates a new to-do item below the current one.

Shift + Enter

Add new line in the same To-Do item


Indent a to-do item to create a sub-item.

Shift + Tab

Outdent a to-do item.

Up/Down Arrows

Navigate between to-do items.

Completing To-Dos


Check or uncheck a to-do item.

Campfire (Chat)

Chatting Shortcuts


Send a message.

Shift + Enter

Insert a new line in your message.

Up Arrow

Edit your last message.


Mention a user in the chat.


Use emoji shortcuts. Example: :smile: