Command-Line & Shell Cheatsheets

Cygwin Cheatsheet
Cygwin Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for using Cygwin, a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Windows. This guide covers installation, basic commands, package management, and configuration tips to help you leverage the power of Cygwin efficiently.

Unix Shell Cheatsheet
Unix Shell Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for navigating and manipulating the Unix shell environment, covering essential commands, shortcuts, and scripting techniques.

macOS Terminal Cheat Sheet
macOS Terminal Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering macOS Terminal commands, shortcuts, configurations, and tips for efficient command-line usage.

Windows Terminal Environments Cheatsheet
Windows Terminal Environments Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential commands and concepts for both Windows CMD and PowerShell, providing quick references for navigation, file management, system information, and more.

Linux/Bash Terminal Essentials
Linux/Bash Terminal Essentials

A handy cheat sheet for navigating and manipulating the Linux/Bash terminal environment, covering essential commands, shortcuts, and scripting tips.

Command-Line & Shell Cheatsheet
Command-Line & Shell Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to navigating and utilizing command-line interfaces, covering essential commands, shell scripting, and environment management for increased productivity.

Remote & Network Command-Line Cheatsheet
Remote & Network Command-Line Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for remote access, network diagnostics, and management commands in the command-line interface. This guide provides quick references and examples for common tasks.