Catalog / SSH Essentials Cheatsheet

SSH Essentials Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to SSH (Secure Shell) commands, configuration, and usage scenarios, covering basic connections, key management, port forwarding, and more. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for both beginners and experienced users.

Basic SSH Usage

Connecting to a Remote Server

ssh user@host

Connects to the specified host as the given user.
Example: ssh [email protected]

ssh -p port user@host

Connects to the host on a specific port.
Example: ssh -p 2222 [email protected]

ssh -i private_key user@host

Connects using a specific private key file.
Example: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]

ssh -v user@host

Verbose mode, useful for debugging connection issues.

ssh -T user@host command

Execute a single command on the remote host without opening a shell.
Example: ssh -T [email protected] uptime

ssh -q user@host

Quiet mode, suppresses most warning and diagnostic messages.

SSH Configuration File (~/.ssh/config)

The ~/.ssh/config file allows you to define settings for SSH connections.


Host example
  User john.doe
  Port 2222
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Now you can simply use ssh example to connect.

Common SSH Options


The actual hostname or IP address of the server.


The username to use for the connection.


The port number to connect to (default is 22).


Specifies the private key file for authentication.


Controls how SSH handles unknown host keys (yes, no, ask).


Command to use to connect to the server.

Key Management

Generating SSH Keys


Generates a new SSH key pair (private and public key).

Example: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

Generates a new Ed25519 SSH key pair (private and public key).

Example: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Generates a new RSA SSH key pair with 4096 bits.

ssh-keygen -f keyfile

Creates a key without prompting.

Copying Keys to Remote Servers

ssh-copy-id user@host

Copies your public key to the remote server’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Example: ssh-copy-id [email protected]

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@host 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Alternative method to copy the public key manually.

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Copy the public key to clipboard.

Key Security

Always protect your private key. Ensure it has appropriate permissions (e.g., chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa). Never share your private key with anyone.

Use a strong passphrase when generating your SSH key. This adds an extra layer of security.

Port Forwarding

Local Port Forwarding

ssh -L local_port:host:remote_port user@ssh_server

Forwards traffic from local_port on your machine to remote_port on host as seen from ssh_server.

Example: ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 [email protected] (Access the web server on via localhost:8080 on your machine).

ssh -L 8080: [email protected]

Access the web server on on your machine.

Remote Port Forwarding

ssh -R remote_port:host:local_port user@ssh_server

Forwards traffic from remote_port on ssh_server to local_port on host as seen from your machine.

Example: ssh -R 9000:localhost:3000 [email protected] (Someone connecting to will be forwarded to your machine’s port 3000).

Dynamic Port Forwarding (SOCKS Proxy)

ssh -D local_port user@ssh_server

Creates a SOCKS proxy on local_port on your machine, routing all traffic through ssh_server.

Example: ssh -D 1080 [email protected] (Configure your browser to use localhost:1080 as a SOCKS proxy).

ssh -N -D 1080 user@ssh_server

Background the process and don’t execute a remote command.

Common Options

  • -N: Do not execute a remote command. Useful for port forwarding only.
  • -f: Requests ssh to go to background after authentication.

Advanced SSH Usage

Executing Commands Remotely

ssh user@host 'command'

Executes a single command on the remote host.

Example: ssh [email protected] 'df -h' (Shows disk space usage on the remote server).

ssh user@host << EOF command1 command2 EOF

Executes multiple commands using a ‘here document’.


ssh [email protected] << EOF
mkdir test_dir
cd test_dir

ssh user@host bash -s <

Execute a shell script.

Example: ssh [email protected] bash -s <

SCP (Secure Copy)

scp file user@host:destination

Copies a file to a remote host.

Example: scp myfile.txt [email protected]:/home/john.doe/

scp user@host:file destination

Copies a file from a remote host.

Example: scp [email protected]:/home/john.doe/myfile.txt .

scp -r directory user@host:destination

Copies a directory recursively to a remote host.

Example: scp -r mydirectory [email protected]:/home/john.doe/

scp -P port user@host:file destination

Copies a file from a remote host on a specific port.

Example: scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/home/john.doe/myfile.txt .

SSH Agent Forwarding

ssh -A user@host

Enables agent forwarding, allowing you to use your local SSH keys on the remote server for further connections. Use with caution, as it can pose a security risk.

Note: Ensure ForwardAgent yes is in your ~/.ssh/config or the server’s /etc/ssh/ssh_config.

ssh -o ForwardAgent=yes user@host

Enables agent forwarding, allowing you to use your local SSH keys on the remote server for further connections. Use with caution, as it can pose a security risk.

Mosh (Mobile Shell)

Mosh is a mobile shell that provides a more robust and responsive connection, especially over unreliable networks. It tolerates intermittent connectivity and IP address changes.

Basic Usage:

  1. Install mosh on both your local machine and the remote server.
  2. mosh user@host