Tools & Utilities Cheatsheets

NPM Cheatsheet
NPM Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Node Package Manager (NPM), covering essential commands and functionalities for managing JavaScript packages and dependencies.

YUM Package Manager Cheatsheet
YUM Package Manager Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the YUM package manager, covering essential commands, options, and troubleshooting tips for managing software packages on RPM-based Linux distributions.

GNU Screen Cheatsheet
GNU Screen Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to using GNU Screen, a terminal multiplexer. Learn how to manage multiple terminal sessions within a single window, detach and reattach sessions, and customize your screen environment.

GNU Grep Cheat Sheet
GNU Grep Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for GNU grep, covering essential options, patterns, and usage examples for efficient text searching in files and streams.

tmux Cheatsheet
tmux Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to using tmux, the terminal multiplexer. This cheatsheet covers essential commands, session management, window and pane manipulation, and customization options to enhance your workflow.

Sed Text Manipulation Cheatsheet
Sed Text Manipulation Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the `sed` stream editor, covering essential commands, syntax, and use cases for text manipulation.

Networking Utilities Cheatsheet (ifconfig, ip)
Networking Utilities Cheatsheet (ifconfig, ip)

A quick reference guide to using `ifconfig` and `ip` commands for network configuration and troubleshooting on Linux systems.

Command-Line Tools & Utilities Cheatsheet
Command-Line Tools & Utilities Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to essential command-line tools and utilities, covering file manipulation, process management, networking, and system information.

Process Monitoring with `top` and `htop`
Process Monitoring with `top` and `htop`

A cheat sheet for monitoring system processes using `top` and `htop` utilities, covering essential commands and options for effective system administration.