Catalog / Unix Shell Cheatsheet
Unix Shell Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for navigating and manipulating the Unix shell environment, covering essential commands, shortcuts, and scripting techniques.
Navigation & File Management
Basic Commands
Print working directory (shows the current directory). |
List directory contents (files and subdirectories). |
Change directory. |
Create a new directory. |
Remove an empty directory. |
Create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file. |
File Operations
Copy files or directories. |
Move or rename files or directories. |
Remove files. |
Concatenate and display file contents. |
Display the beginning of a file. |
Display the end of a file. |
View file contents page by page. |
Working with Text
Text Manipulation
Search for patterns in files. |
Stream editor for text manipulation. |
Pattern scanning and processing language. |
Word count. |
Sort lines of text files. |
Remove duplicate lines. |
Cut sections from each line of files. |
Redirection and Pipes
Example: |
Example: |
Example: |
Example: |
Example: |
System Information & Processes
System Info
Print system information. |
Display disk space usage. |
Estimate file space usage. |
Display amount of free and used memory. |
Show how long the system has been running. |
Print effective user ID. |
Display the system’s hostname. |
Process Management
Display running processes. |
Display dynamic real-time view of running processes. |
Terminate a process. |
List active jobs. |
Put a job in the background. |
Bring a job to the foreground. |
Run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty. |
Shell Scripting
Basic Script Structure
Shebang ( |
Command Substitution:
Control Flow