Catalog / Windows Terminal Environments Cheatsheet

Windows Terminal Environments Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential commands and concepts for both Windows CMD and PowerShell, providing quick references for navigation, file management, system information, and more.

Basic Navigation & File Management

Command Prompt (CMD) - Navigation

cd directory

Change directory to the specified directory.

cd ..

Move up one directory level.

cd \

Change to the root directory.


List files and subdirectories in the current directory.


Display the directory structure graphically.

pushd directory

Saves the current directory for use later and changes to specified directory.


Returns to the directory most recently saved by the pushd command.

PowerShell - Navigation

Set-Location directory

Change directory to the specified directory.

Set-Location ..

Move up one directory level.


List files and subdirectories in the current directory (alias: ls, dir).

Push-Location directory

Saves the current location to a stack and changes to the specified location.


Retrieves the last location from the location stack.


Displays the current directory.

File Management (CMD)

mkdir directory

Create a new directory.

rmdir directory

Remove an empty directory.

del filename

Delete a file.

copy source destination

Copy a file.

ren oldname newname

Rename a file.

File Management & System Info

File Management (PowerShell)

New-Item directory -ItemType Directory

Create a new directory.

Remove-Item directory

Remove a directory (can also remove files).

Copy-Item source destination

Copy a file or directory.

Rename-Item oldname newname

Rename a file or directory.

Move-Item source destination

Move a file or directory.

New-Item filename -ItemType File

Creates a new file.

System Information (CMD)


Display detailed system configuration information.


Display a list of currently running processes.


Display IP configuration information.


Displays the hostname of the machine.

System Information (PowerShell)


Display comprehensive computer information.


Display a list of currently running processes.


Display IP configuration information.


Displays information about the current PowerShell host.

Test-Path path

Check if the specified path exists.

Process Management & Networking

Process Management (CMD)

taskkill /IM processname.exe /F

Forcefully terminate a process by image name.

taskkill /PID processID /F

Forcefully terminate a process by process ID.

start program

Start a program.

Process Management (PowerShell)

Stop-Process -Name processname -Force

Forcefully terminate a process by name.

Stop-Process -Id processID -Force

Forcefully terminate a process by process ID.

Start-Process program

Start a program.


Get a list of the services available on the computer.

Stop-Service servicename

Stop a service.

Start-Service servicename

Start a service.

Networking (CMD)

ping hostname

Ping a hostname or IP address.

tracert hostname

Trace route to a hostname.

netstat -a

Display active TCP connections, listening ports, etc.

Advanced Commands & Scripting

Networking (PowerShell)

Test-Connection hostname

Ping a hostname or IP address.

Test-Path -Path 'TCP:hostname:port'

Test a specific TCP port.


Get active TCP connections.

Resolve-DnsName hostname

Query DNS for hostname.

CMD Scripting

@echo off - Disable command echoing.
echo message - Display a message.
set variable=value - Define a variable.
%variable% - Access a variable.
if condition (commands) else (commands) - Conditional execution.
for %%i in (set) do (command) - Loop through a set of items.

PowerShell Scripting

$variable = value - Define a variable.
$variable - Access a variable.
if (condition) { commands } elseif (condition) { commands } else { commands } - Conditional execution.
foreach ($i in $collection) { commands } - Loop through a collection.
function functionName { commands } - Define a function.
Write-Host message - Display a message.
Get-Help command - Get help for a command.