Catalog / Scripting Utilities Cheatsheet

Scripting Utilities Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering various scripting utilities, including `xargs`, `find`, `sed`, `awk`, `grep`, and `jq`. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to essential commands, options, and examples to help you automate tasks and manipulate data efficiently.

xargs & find

xargs Basics


Build and execute command lines from standard input.

Takes input from stdin and converts it to arguments for a command.

xargs [options] [command]

General syntax. If command is omitted, xargs defaults to /bin/echo.

-n max-args

Use at most max-args arguments per command line.

-I replace-str

Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments with names read from standard input. Also implies -x and -L 1.

-L max-lines

Use at most max-lines non-blank input lines per command line.

-d delimiter

Input items are terminated by the specified character. Useful when filenames contain spaces.

find Basics

find [path] [expression]

Search for files in a directory hierarchy.

-name pattern

Base of file name (the path with the leading directories removed) matches shell pattern pattern.

-type type

File is of type type:
f: regular file
d: directory
l: symbolic link

-mtime n

File’s data was last modified n*24 hours ago.

-exec command {} +

Execute command; all matched files will be appended to the end of the command.


Delete files; be careful when using this option.

Combining xargs and find

Common use case: using find to locate files and xargs to process them.

find . -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l

This command finds all .txt files in the current directory and its subdirectories, and then counts the number of lines in each file using wc -l. -print0 and -0 handle filenames with spaces correctly.


sed Basics

sed 'command' inputfile

Apply command to each line of inputfile. Output to standard output.

sed -i 'command' inputfile

Modify inputfile in-place.


Substitute pattern with replacement. flags can be g (global), i (case-insensitive), etc.


Apply command only to lines matching address. Address can be a line number, a regex pattern, or a range.


Delete line.


Print line. (Often used with -n to suppress default printing).

sed Examples

sed 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt

Replace all occurrences of foo with bar in file.txt and print to standard output.

sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt

Replace all occurrences of foo with bar in file.txt in-place.

sed '/^#/d' file.txt

Delete all lines starting with #.

sed -n '/pattern/p' file.txt

Print only lines that match pattern.

sed '2,5d' file.txt

Delete lines 2 through 5.

sed '$d' file.txt

Delete the last line.


awk Basics

awk 'pattern { action }' file

Process file line by line. If pattern matches, execute action.

BEGIN { action }

Execute action before processing any lines.

END { action }

Execute action after processing all lines.


The entire line.

$1, $2, ...

The first, second, etc. field (column) in the line.


Number of fields in the current line.

awk Examples

awk '{ print $1 }' file.txt

Print the first field of each line.

awk '{ print $NF }' file.txt

Print the last field of each line.

awk '/pattern/ { print }' file.txt

Print all lines that match pattern.

awk '$1 > 10 { print }' file.txt

Print all lines where the first field is greater than 10.

awk 'BEGIN { sum = 0 } { sum += $1 } END { print sum }' file.txt

Calculate the sum of the first field of all lines.

awk -F',' '{ print $2 }' file.csv

Print the second field of each line in a CSV file, using , as the field separator.

grep & jq

grep Basics

grep [options] pattern [file]

Search for pattern in file. If no file is specified, grep searches standard input.


Case-insensitive search.


Invert match. Select non-matching lines.

-r or -R

Recursive search.


Print line number with output lines.


Print only a count of matching lines per file.

grep Examples

grep 'foo' file.txt

Print all lines in file.txt that contain foo.

grep -i 'foo' file.txt

Print all lines in file.txt that contain foo, case-insensitive.

grep -v 'foo' file.txt

Print all lines in file.txt that do not contain foo.

grep -r 'foo' .

Recursively search for foo in all files in the current directory.

grep -n 'foo' file.txt

Print all lines in file.txt that contain foo, along with their line numbers.

grep -c 'foo' file.txt

Print the number of lines in file.txt that contain foo.

jq Basics

jq [options] 'filter' [file]

JSON processor. If no file specified, reads from stdin.


The identity filter. Outputs the input as is.


Access the value associated with the key key.


Access all elements in an array.


Pipe filters.

--raw-output or -r

Output raw strings, not JSON.

jq Examples

jq '.' data.json

Pretty-print the JSON in data.json.

jq '.name' data.json

Extract the value associated with the key name.

jq '.users[]' data.json

Extract all elements from the users array.

jq '.users[].name' data.json

Extract the name field from each element in the users array.

jq '[.[] | .age]' data.json

Extract the age from each element of the top-level array.

curl -s | jq '.[] | .title'

Fetch data from an API and extract the title field from each element in the resulting array.