Catalog / YUM Package Manager Cheatsheet

YUM Package Manager Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the YUM package manager, covering essential commands, options, and troubleshooting tips for managing software packages on RPM-based Linux distributions.

Basic Commands

Package Information

yum info <package>

Displays detailed information about a specific package, including its version, release, size, and description.

yum info httpd

yum list installed

Lists all installed packages on the system.

yum list installed

yum list available

Lists all packages available for installation from the configured repositories.

yum list available

yum list updates

Lists available updates for installed packages.

yum list updates

yum search <keyword>

Searches for packages based on a keyword in the package name or description.

yum search security

yum provides <file>

Finds which package provides a specific file.

yum provides /usr/bin/ls

Package Management

yum install <package>

Installs the specified package and its dependencies.

yum install vim

yum update <package>

Updates the specified package to the latest available version.

yum update firefox

yum update

Updates all installed packages to the latest available versions.

yum update

yum remove <package>

Removes the specified package.

yum remove thunderbird

yum autoremove

Removes orphaned dependencies that are no longer required.

yum autoremove

yum history

Displays the history of YUM transactions.

yum history

Repository Management

Repository Configuration

Repository configuration files are located in /etc/yum.repos.d/. Each .repo file defines a repository.


Key attributes in a .repo file:

  • [repositoryid] - Unique ID for the repository.
  • name - Human-readable name for the repository.
  • baseurl - URL where package data is located.
  • enabled - Whether the repository is enabled (1) or disabled (0).
  • gpgcheck - Whether GPG signature checking is enabled (1) or disabled (0).
  • gpgkey - URL of the GPG key for verifying packages.

Repository Commands

yum repolist

Lists all enabled repositories.

yum repolist

yum repoinfo <repo>

Displays information about a specific repository.

yum repoinfo epel

yum --enablerepo=<repo> install <package>

Enables a specific repository for a single command.

yum --enablerepo=epel install htop

yum --disablerepo=<repo> update

Disables a specific repository for a single command.

yum --disablerepo=epel update

Managing Repository Priorities

You can set priorities for repositories to prefer packages from certain repositories over others. This is done by installing the yum-plugin-priorities package and adding a priority option to the .repo file.

priority=1 (Higher priority)

Advanced Usage

Package Groups

yum groupinstall <group>

Installs a group of related packages.

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

yum groupupdate <group>

Updates packages within a group.

yum groupupdate "Web Server"

yum grouplist

Lists available package groups.

yum grouplist

yum groupremove <group>

Removes a group of packages.

yum groupremove "Legacy UNIX Compatibility"

Downgrading Packages

yum downgrade <package>

Downgrades a package to the previous version.

yum downgrade httpd

package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=2

This command, often used in conjunction with YUM, removes old kernel packages, keeping only the specified number of latest kernels. This helps to free up disk space.

Example: Keeping the two latest kernel versions:
package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=2

Other Useful Options

yum clean all - Clears all cached package data.
yum clean packages - Cleans only package files.
yum clean headers - Cleans only package headers.

yum check - Checks the RPM database for problems.

yum reinstall <package> - Reinstalls the specified package.

yum reinstall bash


Common Issues

Problem: Package not found.

Solution: Ensure the repository containing the package is enabled. Use yum repolist to check and --enablerepo to enable it for the install command.

Problem: Dependency issues.

Solution: YUM usually resolves dependencies automatically. If issues persist, try yum install yum-utils followed by package-cleanup --dupes and package-cleanup --problems.

Problem: GPG key errors.

Solution: Import the correct GPG key for the repository. Find the key URL in the repo file and use rpm --import <keyurl>.

YUM History

yum history list

Lists all YUM transactions with their IDs.

yum history list

yum history info <id>

Shows detailed information about a specific transaction.

yum history info 5

yum history undo <id>

Attempts to undo a specific transaction.

yum history undo 7

yum history redo <id>

Attempts to redo a specific transaction.

yum history redo 8