Catalog / NPM Cheatsheet
NPM Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for Node Package Manager (NPM), covering essential commands and functionalities for managing JavaScript packages and dependencies.
Basic NPM Commands
Installs all dependencies defined in
Installs a specific package and adds it as a dependency to
Installs a package as a development dependency. Useful for tools like testing frameworks.
Installs a package globally, making it available in the system’s PATH. Often used for command-line tools.
Install a package directly from a git repository.
Install dependencies with a clean slate, based on
Updating Packages
Updates all packages listed in
Updates a specific package to the latest version that satisfies its version range.
Attempts to automatically fix known security vulnerabilities in your dependencies.
Lists outdated packages.
Uninstalling Packages
Uninstalls a package from the
Uninstalls a package from development dependencies.
Uninstalls a globally installed package.
Managing Dependencies
Package Information
Displays detailed information about a package from the npm registry.
Shows the latest version of a specific package.
Lists the dependencies of a specific package.
Lists installed packages and their dependencies in a tree structure.
Working with package.json
Guides you through creating a new
Creates a
Installs only production dependencies (excluding devDependencies) from
Removes extraneous packages. If the
Executes a script defined in the
Runs the
Runs the
Runs the
Runs the
Advanced NPM Usage
Publishing Packages
Logs you into the npm registry using your credentials.
Publishes the package in the current directory to the npm registry. Make sure to increment the version number in
Removes a published package from the npm registry. Use with caution!
Adds a user as an owner of a package, allowing them to manage the package.
Managing Cache
Clears the npm cache. Use with caution, as it can sometimes resolve installation issues.
Verifies the integrity of the cache and cleans up corrupted data.
Gets the cache location.
NPM Configuration
Displays the current npm configuration.
Retrieves the value of a specific configuration key.
Sets a configuration key to a specific value.
Deletes a configuration key.
NPM Versioning and Security
Semantic Versioning
NPM uses semantic versioning (semver) to manage package versions.
Examples of version ranges:
Security Audits
Analyzes your project’s dependencies for security vulnerabilities and provides a report.
Attempts to automatically fix the detected security vulnerabilities by updating to secure versions of the dependencies.
Attempts to automatically fix the detected security vulnerabilities by updating to secure versions of the dependencies with force.
Bumping Versions
Sets the package version to a specific version number.
Increments the major version number.
Increments the minor version number.
Increments the patch version number.
Increments the pre-release version number.