DevOps & Cloud Essentials Cheatsheet
DevOps & Cloud Essentials Cheatsheet

A concise reference guide for essential DevOps and Cloud concepts, commands, and best practices, covering various tools and platforms.

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet
Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

A handy reference for essential Kubernetes commands, concepts, and configurations, designed to aid developers and operators in managing containerized applications.

Docker Cheatsheet
Docker Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Docker commands and concepts, ideal for quick lookups and efficient Docker workflows.

Vagrant Cheatsheet
Vagrant Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide for Vagrant, covering essential commands, configuration options, and best practices for managing virtual development environments.

SaltStack Cheat Sheet
SaltStack Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide to SaltStack, covering essential commands, configurations, and concepts for efficient task automation and system management.

GitLab Cheat Sheet
GitLab Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for using GitLab, covering essential commands, features, and workflows for version control and collaboration.

Capistrano Cheat Sheet
Capistrano Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide for Capistrano, a remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby. This cheat sheet covers essential commands, configuration options, and deployment strategies.

Nomad Cheatsheet
Nomad Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide for HashiCorp Nomad, covering essential commands, concepts, and configurations for job scheduling and cluster management.

Ansible Essentials Cheatsheet
Ansible Essentials Cheatsheet

A concise guide to Ansible, covering essential concepts, commands, and best practices for automating infrastructure and application deployment. Includes playbook structure, module usage, and task management.

Makefile Cheatsheet
Makefile Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Makefiles, covering syntax, variables, rules, functions, and command prefixes, along with practical examples.

AWS CLI Cheatsheet
AWS CLI Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheatsheet covering essential AWS CLI commands, configuration, and usage examples for managing AWS services.

Docker Compose Cheatsheet
Docker Compose Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to Docker Compose, covering essential commands, configurations, and best practices for defining and managing multi-container Docker applications.

Docker CLI Cheatsheet
Docker CLI Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Docker CLI, covering essential commands for managing images, containers, volumes, and networks. Includes examples for quick reference.

Dockerfile Cheat Sheet
Dockerfile Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Dockerfiles, covering essential commands, syntax, and best practices for building efficient Docker images. Includes examples and explanations for common use cases.

Chef Automation Cheatsheet
Chef Automation Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Chef, covering installation, basic usage, resources, and advanced configurations for infrastructure automation.

Vagrant Cheatsheet
Vagrant Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Vagrant, covering essential commands, Vagrantfile configuration, and best practices to streamline your virtual environment development.