Catalog / Vagrant Cheatsheet
Vagrant Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for Vagrant, covering essential commands, Vagrantfile configuration, and best practices to streamline your virtual environment development.
Getting Started with Vagrant
Installation and Setup
Install Vagrant:
Verify Installation:
Install VirtualBox (if not already installed): Vagrant relies on a provider like VirtualBox or VMware. VirtualBox is a common open-source option.
Basic Vagrant Commands
Initializes a new Vagrant environment by creating a Example: |
Starts the Vagrant virtual machine. It reads the Example: |
Connects to the Vagrant virtual machine via SSH. Example: |
Stops the running Vagrant virtual machine gracefully. Example: |
Suspends the Vagrant virtual machine, saving its current state to disk. Example: |
Resumes a suspended Vagrant virtual machine. Example: |
Adding a Box
Adding a box is how Vagrant knows what OS template to use. Official boxes can be found on HashiCorp’s Atlas.
Example: |
Vagrantfile Configuration
Vagrantfile Basics
The |
Port Forwarding |
Forwards a port from the host machine to the guest machine.
Private Network (Static IP) |
Configures a static IP address for the guest machine on a private network.
Public Network (Bridged) |
Bridges the guest machine to your host’s network, giving it an IP address on your local network.
Shell Provisioning |
Runs a shell script to automate the setup of the guest machine.
Ansible Provisioning |
Uses Ansible to provision the guest machine.
Puppet Provisioning |
Uses Puppet to provision the guest machine.
Advanced Vagrant Features
Synced Folders
Synced folders allow you to share files between your host machine and the Vagrant guest machine. By default, the Vagrantfile directory is synced to |
Configuring synced folders:
NFS Synced Folders: For better performance, especially on macOS, you can use NFS synced folders.
Multiple Machines
Vagrant allows you to define and manage multiple virtual machines within a single |
Defining multiple machines:
Accessing specific machines:
Box Management
Lists all installed boxes. Example: |
Removes a specified box from your system. Example: |
Checks for updates for installed boxes and installs them. Example: |
Troubleshooting and Tips
Common Issues
Networking Conflicts: |
Provider Issues: |
Synced Folder Permissions: |
Vagrant Plugins
Installs a Vagrant plugin. Example: |
Lists installed Vagrant plugins. Example: |
Uninstalls a Vagrant plugin. Example: |
Tips and Tricks
Use a Version Control System: |
Customize Guest Machine Hostname:
Optimize Performance: |