Catalog / Nomad Cheatsheet

Nomad Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide for HashiCorp Nomad, covering essential commands, concepts, and configurations for job scheduling and cluster management.

Nomad Basics

Core Concepts

Client: Executes tasks on behalf of Nomad.
Server: Manages the cluster state, schedules jobs, and handles client communication.
Job: A declaration of tasks to be run and their requirements.
Task: A single unit of work within a job.
Allocation: A mapping of a task to a specific client.

Driver: Responsible for executing tasks. Examples include docker, java, exec, raw_exec.

Nomad CLI Commands

nomad job run <jobfile.nomad>

Submit a job to Nomad.

nomad job status <job_id>

Check the status of a job.

nomad job stop <job_id>

Stop a running job.

nomad node status

Show status of all the nodes.

nomad alloc status <alloc_id>

Show status of the allocation

nomad status

Displays the overall Nomad cluster status.

Basic Job File Structure

job "example" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type = "service"

group "web" {
    count = 3

task "server" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "nginx:latest"
        port_map {
          http = 80

      resources {
        cpu    = 500
        memory = 256
        network {
          mbits = 10
          port "http" {}

Job Specification Details

Job Block

job "job_name" {}

Defines the job. Must be unique within the datacenter.

datacenters = ["dc1"]

Specifies the datacenters where the job can run.

type = "service"

Job type. Can be service (long-running) or batch (finite).

priority = 50

Specifies job priority. Higher number means higher priority. Default is 50.

update {}

Controls the job update strategy.

Group Block

group "group_name" {}

Groups tasks together for scaling and placement.

count = 3

Number of task instances to run in this group.

restart {}

Defines restart policy for tasks in the group.

ephemeral_disk {}

Configures an ephemeral disk for tasks in the group.

constraint {}

Defines constraints for task placement.

Task Block

task "task_name" {}

Defines a single unit of work to be executed.

driver = "docker"

Specifies the task driver to use (e.g., docker, exec).

config {}

Driver-specific configuration (e.g., Docker image, command).

resources {}

Specifies resource requirements (CPU, memory, network).

service {}

Defines how the task should be registered as a service.

template {}

Configures dynamic templates using Consul or Vault data.

Advanced Features


Constraints ensure that tasks are placed on suitable clients based on attributes.


constraint {
  attribute = "${node.class}"
  operator  = "=="
  value     = "web"

Common attributes: node.class, node.datacenter, driver.docker.

Update Strategy

update {}

Controls how jobs are updated (rolling updates, canary deployments).

max_parallel = 1

Maximum number of allocations that can be updated concurrently.

stagger = "10s"

Delay between updating allocations.

min_healthy_time = "30s"

Minimum time an allocation must be healthy before continuing.

auto_revert = true

Automatically revert to the previous version if the update fails.


Templates allow dynamic configuration based on Consul or Vault data.


template {
  data = <<EOH
  {{ with secret "secret/data/mydb" }}
  DATABASE_PASSWORD={{ .Data.password }}
  {{ end }}

destination = "secrets.env"
  perms = "0644"

Networking and Service Discovery


network {}

Configures the network resources for a task.

port "http" { static = 8080 }

Defines a static port mapping.

port "http" {}

Defines a dynamic port mapping, assigned by Nomad.

mbits = 10

Configures network bandwidth in megabits per second.

Service Discovery with Consul

Nomad integrates with Consul for service discovery.


service {
  name = "web"
  tags = ["v1"]
  port = "http"

  check {
    type     = "http"
    path     = "/health"
    interval = "10s"
    timeout  = "5s"

This registers the task with Consul, including health checks.

Vault Integration

Nomad can retrieve secrets from Vault for secure configuration.


template {
  data = <<EOH
  {{ with secret "secret/data/mydb" }}
  DATABASE_PASSWORD={{ .Data.password }}
  {{ end }}

destination = "secrets.env"
  perms = "0644"

Ensure that the Nomad client has appropriate Vault policies.