Programming & Development Cheatsheets

AWK Cheatsheet
AWK Cheatsheet

A concise cheat sheet covering essential AWK syntax, patterns, actions, and built-in functions, designed to help you quickly write and understand AWK scripts.

Smalltalk Cheatsheet
Smalltalk Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Smalltalk syntax, core concepts, and common idioms, designed to assist both beginners and experienced developers.

OCaml Cheat Sheet
OCaml Cheat Sheet

A concise reference for OCaml syntax, data structures, and common functions. Perfect for quick lookups and reminders.

Racket Programming Cheatsheet
Racket Programming Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Racket programming, covering syntax, data structures, control flow, and module system basics.

Scratch Programming Cheatsheet
Scratch Programming Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to Scratch, a visual programming language for creating interactive stories, games, and animations. This cheatsheet covers essential blocks, concepts, and best practices.

PL/SQL Cheatsheet
PL/SQL Cheatsheet

A concise reference for PL/SQL, covering syntax, data types, control structures, and common operations for Oracle database programming.

SQL Cheatsheet
SQL Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to SQL syntax, commands, and best practices for data manipulation and database management.

Assembly Language Cheat Sheet
Assembly Language Cheat Sheet

A quick reference for Assembly Language syntax, instructions, and concepts. Covers basic instructions, addressing modes, and common programming constructs.

Prolog Cheat Sheet
Prolog Cheat Sheet

A concise reference for Prolog syntax, predicates, and common programming patterns.