Catalog / Notion Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Notion Shortcuts Cheatsheet

A handy guide to Notion keyboard shortcuts, designed to boost your productivity within the app. Learn to navigate, format, and manage your workspace efficiently.

Navigation & Basic Actions

Core Navigation

Ctrl/Cmd + N

Create a new page.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N

Open a new Notion window.

Ctrl/Cmd + P

Quick find (search).

Ctrl/Cmd + J

Go to a page (jump to).

Ctrl/Cmd + [

Go back in history.

Ctrl/Cmd + ]

Go forward in history.

Essential Actions

Ctrl/Cmd + S

Save the current page (though Notion autosaves).

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + U

Duplicate the current page.

Ctrl/Cmd + K

Insert a link (hyperlink).

Ctrl/Cmd + /

Open the slash command menu.


Exit a menu or close a window.

Ctrl/Cmd + Z

Undo last action.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z

Redo last undone action.

Text Formatting Shortcuts

Basic Text Styles

Ctrl/Cmd + B

Bold text.

Ctrl/Cmd + I

Italic text.

Ctrl/Cmd + U

Underline text.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + S

Strikethrough text.

Ctrl/Cmd + \

Inline code.

Markdown-style Formatting

**bold text** or __bold text__

*italic text* or _italic text_

~~strikethrough text~~

inline code

[link text](URL)


Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 1

Heading 1.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 2

Heading 2.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 3

Heading 3.

Block Manipulation

List Creation

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 7

Create a numbered list.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 8

Create a bulleted list.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 9

Create a toggle list.

Block Movement & Deletion

Alt/Option + Shift + Up/Down

Move the current block up or down.

Ctrl/Cmd + A (then Delete/Backspace)

Delete the selected blocks.

Other Block Actions

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M

Create a comment.

Enter in an empty block

Create a new block.

Database Shortcuts

Database Views

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V

Paste as plain text (useful for databases).

Inside Database

Use arrow keys to navigate cells in a database.

Enter to edit cell content.

Esc to exit editing mode.