Catalog / Browser Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Browser Shortcuts Cheatsheet

A handy guide to essential browser shortcuts for increased productivity, covering navigation, tabs, and more.

General Navigation

Basic Navigation

Ctrl + T (or Cmd + T on Mac)

Open a new tab.

Ctrl + N (or Cmd + N on Mac)

Open a new browser window.

Ctrl + W (or Cmd + W on Mac)

Close the current tab.

Ctrl + Shift + T (or Cmd + Shift + T on Mac)

Reopen the last closed tab.

Ctrl + Tab (or Cmd + Option + Right Arrow on Mac)

Switch to the next tab.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab (or Cmd + Option + Left Arrow on Mac)

Switch to the previous tab.

Page Actions

Ctrl + R or F5 (or Cmd + R on Mac)

Refresh the current page.

Ctrl + Shift + R or Ctrl + F5 (or Cmd + Shift + R on Mac)

Hard refresh (clear cache and refresh).


Stop loading the current page.

Alt + Home (or Cmd + Shift + H on Mac)

Go to the home page.

Alt + Left Arrow (or Cmd + Left Arrow on Mac)

Go back in history.

Alt + Right Arrow (or Cmd + Right Arrow on Mac)

Go forward in history.

Zoom & Find

Ctrl + + (or Cmd + + on Mac)

Zoom in.

Ctrl + - (or Cmd + - on Mac)

Zoom out.

Ctrl + 0 (or Cmd + 0 on Mac)

Reset zoom to default.

Ctrl + F (or Cmd + F on Mac)

Open find in page.

Ctrl + G (or Cmd + G on Mac)

Find next.

Ctrl + Shift + G (or Cmd + Shift + G on Mac)

Find previous.

Address Bar & Search

Address Bar Shortcuts

Ctrl + L or F6 (or Cmd + L on Mac)

Select the address bar.

Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E (or Cmd + Option + F on Mac)

Focus the search bar (if separate) or the address bar for search.

Alt + Enter

Open the address in a new tab.

Search Related

Ctrl + Enter

Adds www. and .com to the text in the address bar and opens the website.

Shift + Enter

Open search result in a new tab.

Developer Tools & Miscellaneous

Developer Tools

F12 (or Cmd + Option + I on Mac)

Open developer tools.

Ctrl + Shift + I (or Cmd + Option + I on Mac)

Open developer tools (alternative).

Ctrl + Shift + C (or Cmd + Shift + C on Mac)

Inspect element.


Ctrl + J (or Cmd + Shift + J on Mac)

Open downloads page.

Ctrl + H (or Cmd + Y on Mac)

Open history page.

Ctrl + Shift + Delete (or Cmd + Shift + Delete on Mac)

Open clear browsing data dialog.

Ctrl + P (or Cmd + P on Mac)

Print the current page.

Ctrl + S (or Cmd + S on Mac)

Save the current page.

Text Editing Shortcuts

Text Manipulation

Ctrl + X (or Cmd + X on Mac)

Cut selected text.

Ctrl + C (or Cmd + C on Mac)

Copy selected text.

Ctrl + V (or Cmd + V on Mac)

Paste text.

Ctrl + Shift + V (or Cmd + Shift + V on Mac)

Paste as plain text (in some applications).

Ctrl + Z (or Cmd + Z on Mac)


Ctrl + Y (or Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac)


Text Selection

Ctrl + A (or Cmd + A on Mac)

Select all.

Shift + Left Arrow

Select one character to the left.

Shift + Right Arrow

Select one character to the right.

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow (or Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow on Mac)

Select one word to the left.

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow (or Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow on Mac)

Select one word to the right.