Catalog / Data Structures Cheatsheet
Data Structures Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide to common data structures, their properties, and common use cases. This cheatsheet provides a concise overview for developers and students.
Arrays and Linked Lists
Definition: |
Contiguous block of memory holding elements of the same type. |
Access: |
Random access (O(1)) using index. |
Insertion/Deletion: |
O(n) in the worst case (shifting elements). |
Use Cases: |
Storing and accessing elements by index, implementing stacks and queues. |
Memory: |
Requires contiguous memory; can lead to fragmentation. |
Example: |
Linked Lists
Definition: |
Collection of nodes, each containing data and a pointer to the next node. |
Access: |
Sequential access (O(n)). |
Insertion/Deletion: |
O(1) if the node is known. |
Use Cases: |
Implementing stacks, queues, and graphs; dynamic memory allocation. |
Memory: |
Non-contiguous memory; more flexible memory usage. |
Example: |
Arrays offer faster access but slower insertion/deletion compared to linked lists. Linked lists use memory more efficiently in dynamic scenarios. |
Arrays require a contiguous block of memory, while linked lists can be scattered in memory. |
Stacks and Queues
Definition: |
LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) data structure. |
Operations: |
Push (add element), Pop (remove element), Peek (view top element). |
Implementation: |
Arrays or linked lists. |
Use Cases: |
Function call stack, expression evaluation, backtracking. |
Time Complexity: |
O(1) for push and pop operations. |
Example: |
Definition: |
FIFO (First-In, First-Out) data structure. |
Operations: |
Enqueue (add element), Dequeue (remove element). |
Implementation: |
Arrays or linked lists. |
Use Cases: |
Task scheduling, breadth-first search (BFS). |
Time Complexity: |
O(1) for enqueue and dequeue operations (using linked list or circular array). |
Example: |
Stacks and queues differ in their ordering principle: LIFO vs. FIFO. Stacks are used for tasks that require reversing order, while queues maintain order. |
Stacks often manage function calls, while queues handle task scheduling and processing. |
Binary Trees
Definition: |
Each node has at most two children: left and right. |
Traversal Methods: |
Inorder, Preorder, Postorder. |
Use Cases: |
Expression parsing, decision trees. |
Example: |
Balanced vs Unbalanced: |
Balanced trees have height O(log n), while unbalanced trees can have height O(n). |
Binary Search Trees (BST)
Definition: |
Binary tree where for each node, all nodes in the left subtree are smaller, and all nodes in the right subtree are larger. |
Operations: |
Search, insert, delete. |
Time Complexity: |
O(log n) on average, O(n) in the worst case (unbalanced tree). |
Use Cases: |
Efficient searching, sorting, and retrieval. |
Example: |
Definition: |
Special tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property: Min-Heap (parent <= children) or Max-Heap (parent >= children). |
Types: |
Binary Heap, Fibonacci Heap. |
Use Cases: |
Priority queues, heap sort. |
Time Complexity: |
O(log n) for insertion and deletion. |
Example: |
Hash Tables
Core Concepts
Definition: |
Data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, which maps keys to values. |
Hash Function: |
Function that maps keys to indices in the array. |
Collision Handling: |
Techniques to handle multiple keys mapping to the same index (e.g., chaining, open addressing). |
Use Cases: |
Implementing dictionaries, caching, symbol tables. |
Example: |
Collision Resolution Techniques
Chaining: |
Each index in the hash table points to a linked list of key-value pairs. |
Open Addressing: |
If a collision occurs, probe for an empty slot in the table (e.g., linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing). |
Time Complexity: |
O(1) average case (with good hash function), O(n) worst case (all keys map to the same index). |
Load Factor: |
Ratio of the number of entries to the number of buckets. High load factors increase collision probability. |
Choosing a good hash function is crucial for the performance of a hash table. A poorly chosen hash function can lead to frequent collisions and O(n) performance. |
Load factor should be monitored and the hash table resized when it exceeds a certain threshold to maintain good performance. |