Catalog / Zsh Scripting Cheatsheet

Zsh Scripting Cheatsheet

A handy reference for Zsh scripting, covering syntax, built-ins, options, and common patterns.

Zsh Basics & Syntax

Basic Syntax


# This is a comment


echo $VAR_NAME or echo ${VAR_NAME}

String Concatenation

result="Hello, "$VAR_NAME
result="Hello, ${VAR_NAME}"

Command Substitution

output=$(ls -l) or output=ls -l

Exit Status

$? (Exit status of the last command)

Here Documents

cat <<EOF Multiline text EOF


my_array=(item1 item2 item3)
echo ${my_array[0]}
echo ${#my_array[@]} (length)
echo ${my_array[@]} (all elements)`

Conditional Statements

if [[ condition ]]; then
  # code
elif [[ condition ]]; then
  # code
  # code

String Comparisons:
==, !=, <, >

File Tests:
-e file (exists), -f file (regular file), -d file (directory), -r file (readable), -w file (writable), -x file (executable)

Numeric Comparisons:
-eq, -ne, -lt, -gt, -le, -ge


For Loop:

for var in item1 item2 item3; do
  echo $var

While Loop:

while [[ condition ]]; do
  # code

Until Loop:

until [[ condition ]]; do
  # code

Looping through array:

for element in "${my_array[@]}"; do
  echo "Element: $element"

Functions & Builtins


Function Definition

my_function() {
  echo "Hello from my_function"


function my_function {
  echo "Hello from my_function"

Calling a function


Passing Arguments

my_function arg1 arg2
Inside function: $1, $2, etc.

Return Value

return 0 (Success), return 1 (Failure). Use $? to check.

Local Variables

local my_var="value" (Scope is within the function)

Useful Built-in Commands


Print text to standard output.


Formatted output (similar to C’s printf).


Read input from standard input.
read -p "Prompt: " variable


Exit the script.
exit 0 (Success), exit 1 (Failure).

source or .

Execute commands from a file in the current shell.
. ./


Print working directory.


Change directory.

Parameter Expansion

${var:-word} - Use default value ‘word’ if var is unset or null.

${var:=word} - Assign default value ‘word’ to var if var is unset or null.

${var:?message} - Display error message and exit if var is unset or null.

${var:+word} - Use ‘word’ if var is set and not null.

${#var} - String length of var.

${var:offset:length} - Substring of var.

Zsh Options & Globbing

Setting Options

set -o option_name

Enable option.

set +o option_name

Disable option.

setopt option_name

Enable option (Zsh specific).

unsetopt option_name

Disable option (Zsh specific).

Useful Options

allexport: Automatically export all defined variables.

errexit: Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.

nounset: Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.

xtrace: Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.

noclobber: Prevent overwriting existing files with redirection.

Globbing (Filename Generation)


Matches any string of characters (except leading dots).


Matches any single character.


Matches one of the characters a, b, or c.


Matches any character between a and z.

[^abc] or [!abc]

Matches any character except a, b, or c.


Matches either foo or bar.


Matches files recursively (Zsh specific, enable with setopt glob_star).

Advanced Zsh

Zsh Modules

zmodload zsh/module

Loads a specific Zsh module. Example: zmodload zsh/tcp

Available Modules

zmodload -l Lists available modules.

Common modules

zsh/tcp, zsh/datetime, zsh/mathfunc

Process Substitution


Provides the output of command as a file.
diff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)


Redirects standard output to command.
tee >(gzip > file.gz) > file.txt

Customizing the Prompt

PS1 is the primary prompt variable.

PS1="%n@%m %~> " (user@host current_directory> )

Common escape sequences: %n (username), %m (hostname), %~ (current directory), %d (current directory full path), %w (current time), %D{format} (date/time with format).



For advanced prompt customization, use a Zsh theme manager like Oh My Zsh or Prezto.