Algorithms & Interview Prep Cheatsheets

System Design Interview Cheatsheet
System Design Interview Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to help you prepare for system design interviews. Covers key concepts, common architectures, and practical tips.

Dynamic Programming Cheatsheet
Dynamic Programming Cheatsheet

A concise guide to Dynamic Programming concepts, techniques, and common patterns for algorithm design and interview preparation.

Regex & Text Manipulation Cheatsheet
Regex & Text Manipulation Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to regular expressions and text manipulation techniques, essential for algorithms and interview preparation.

Time Complexity Analysis Cheatsheet
Time Complexity Analysis Cheatsheet

A concise guide to understanding and analyzing the time complexity of algorithms, essential for technical interviews and efficient programming.

Competitive Programming Tips
Competitive Programming Tips

A cheat sheet filled with tips and tricks to help you succeed in competitive programming contests. Covers problem-solving strategies, common algorithms, and useful coding techniques.

Recursion and Backtracking Cheat Sheet
Recursion and Backtracking Cheat Sheet

A concise guide to recursion and backtracking, fundamental algorithmic techniques, with examples and considerations for interview preparation.

Coding Interview Tips Cheatsheet
Coding Interview Tips Cheatsheet

A concise guide offering effective strategies and techniques for acing coding interviews, covering preparation, problem-solving, communication, and follow-up.

Sorting Algorithms Cheat Sheet
Sorting Algorithms Cheat Sheet

A concise cheat sheet covering common sorting algorithms, their time complexities, and pseudocode for quick reference during coding interviews and algorithm analysis.

Graph Algorithms Cheatsheet
Graph Algorithms Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to graph algorithms, commonly used in coding interviews. Covers fundamental algorithms, their complexities, and common use cases.