Catalog / Realm Database Cheatsheet
Realm Database Cheatsheet
A concise guide to using Realm, covering schema definition, CRUD operations, queries, and relationships.
Core Concepts & Setup
Realm Fundamentals
Realm: A mobile database solution that offers an alternative to SQLite and Core Data. It’s designed for speed and ease of use. |
Key Features:
Data Model: Realm uses a schema to define the structure of your data. Models are defined as classes. |
Installation (Swift): Add |
Importing Realm:
Default Realm |
The default Realm is suitable for most basic use cases. It stores data in the app’s default location. |
Custom Realm Configuration |
Use |
In-Memory Realm |
Useful for testing. Data is not persisted to disk.
Error Handling
Realm throws exceptions for various errors. Wrap Realm operations in |
Common Errors:
Defining Realm Models
Basic Model Definition
Realm models are defined as classes that inherit from |
Properties must be declared with the |
Supported Data Types
Integer numbers. |
Floating-point numbers. |
Textual data. |
Boolean values (true/false). |
Date and time values. |
Binary data. |
Optional Properties
Properties can be declared as optional using |
Optional properties can store |
Ignored Properties
Properties marked with |
Useful for temporary or calculated values. |
CRUD Operations
Creating Objects
Create instances of your Realm model classes and add them to the Realm. |
Reading Objects
Use Realm queries to retrieve objects. |
Updating Objects
Update objects within a write transaction. |
Deleting Objects
Delete objects within a write transaction. |
Querying Realm Data
Basic Queries
Realm uses a query language similar to NSPredicate. |
Use |
Common Query Operators
Equals. |
Not equals. |
Greater than. |
Less than. |
Greater than or equal to. |
Less than or equal to. |
String starts with. |
String ends with. |
String contains. |
String matches a wildcard pattern. |
Compound Predicates
Combine predicates using |
Sorting Results
Use |