Catalog / Sinatra Cheat Sheet
Sinatra Cheat Sheet
A concise reference for Sinatra, a lightweight Ruby web framework. Covers essential concepts, routing, views, and helpers for quick development.
Core Concepts & Setup
Install Sinatra via RubyGems:
For logging:
Basic Structure
A simple Sinatra application structure:
Running the app:
Sets the port the application listens on. |
Sets the environment (development, production, test). |
Enables session support. |
HTTP Methods
Handles GET requests. |
Handles POST requests. |
Handles PUT requests. |
Handles DELETE requests. |
Handles PATCH requests. |
Handles HEAD requests. |
Handles OPTIONS requests. |
Route Parameters
Accessing parameters from the route:
Optional parameters:
Splats (capturing multiple segments):
Views & Templates
Rendering Views
Rendering a view:
This will render |
Specifying a different template path:
Template Engines
Embedded Ruby templates. |
Haml templates (requires |
Slim templates (requires |
Liquid templates (requires |
Markdown templates (requires |
Using a layout:
This will render |
Disabling layout:
Helpers & Extensions
Defining Helpers
Defining a helper:
Built-in Helpers
Immediately stops request processing. |
Passes control to the next matching route. |
Redirects the client to the given URL. |
Access the session hash (if sessions are enabled). |
Access request parameters. |
Sinatra Extensions
Using extensions:
Common extensions: