Catalog / Essential Keyboard Shortcuts & Quick References

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts & Quick References

A concise cheat sheet providing essential keyboard shortcuts and quick references for various applications, operating systems, and development environments to boost productivity.

General Keyboard Shortcuts

Basic Navigation & Editing

Ctrl + C

Copy selected content to clipboard.

Ctrl + X

Cut selected content to clipboard.

Ctrl + V

Paste content from clipboard.

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last action.

Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z

Redo the last undone action.

Ctrl + A

Select all content.

Ctrl + F

Open the Find dialog box.

Ctrl + S

Save the current file.

Ctrl + P

Print the current document/page.

Window & Application Management

Alt + Tab

Switch between open applications.

Alt + F4

Close the current window or application.

Windows Key + D

Show the desktop (minimize all windows).

Windows Key + L

Lock the computer.

Windows Key + Shift + M

Restore minimized windows.

Windows Key + E

Open File Explorer.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Open Task Manager.

Text Formatting (Common)

Ctrl + B

Bold selected text.

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text.

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text.

Browser Shortcuts


Ctrl + T

Open a new tab.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Reopen the last closed tab.

Ctrl + W

Close the current tab.

Ctrl + Tab

Switch to the next tab.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Switch to the previous tab.

Alt + Left Arrow

Go back one page in history.

Alt + Right Arrow

Go forward one page in history.

F5 or Ctrl + R

Refresh the current page.

Address Bar & Search

Ctrl + L or F6

Select the address in the address bar.

Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E

Focus the search bar.

Alt + Enter

Open the address in a new tab.

Zoom & Page Actions

Ctrl + Plus (+)

Zoom in.

Ctrl + Minus (-)

Zoom out.

Ctrl + 0

Reset zoom to default (100%).

Ctrl + P

Print the current page.

Ctrl + S

Save the current page.

IDE & Code Editor Shortcuts

VS Code

Ctrl + Shift + P

Show Command Palette.

Ctrl + P

Go to File.

Ctrl + Shift + O

Go to Symbol.

Ctrl + Shift + F

Search across files.

Ctrl + H

Replace across files.

Ctrl + Shift + K

Delete line.

Alt + Up/Down Arrow

Move line up/down.

Sublime Text

Ctrl + Shift + P

Show Command Palette.

Ctrl + P

Go to Anything.

Ctrl + G

Go to Line.

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find in Files.

Ctrl + Shift + D

Duplicate Line.

Ctrl + /

Toggle Comment.

IntelliJ IDEA

Ctrl + Shift + A

Find Action.

Ctrl + N

Go to Class.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Go to File.

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N

Go to Symbol.

Ctrl + F


Ctrl + R


macOS Shortcuts

Essential Commands

Cmd + C


Cmd + X


Cmd + V


Cmd + Z


Cmd + Shift + Z


Cmd + A

Select All

Cmd + F


System Shortcuts

Cmd + Space

Spotlight Search

Cmd + Tab

Switch Applications

Cmd + H

Hide Current Window

Cmd + Q

Quit Application

Cmd + W

Close Window

File Management

Cmd + N

New Finder Window

Cmd + Shift + N

New Folder

Cmd + Delete

Move to Trash

Cmd + Shift + Delete

Empty Trash (Confirm)

Cmd + I

Get Info

Cmd + R

Reveal Original