Catalog / Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Cheatsheet

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Domain-Driven Design principles, patterns, and practices to help build software that closely reflects the business domain.

Core Concepts


The domain is the specific subject area to which the user applies a program. DDD focuses on understanding and modeling this domain.

Key aspect: Shared understanding between developers and domain experts.

Ubiquitous Language: A common language used by all team members (developers, domain experts, etc.) to avoid misunderstandings.

Key aspect: Improves communication and reduces ambiguity in code and documentation.

Bounded Context

A bounded context defines the scope in which a particular domain model applies. It represents a semantic boundary.

Key aspect: Isolates domain models, preventing them from becoming overly complex.

Each bounded context should have its own Ubiquitous Language.

Key aspect: Ensures clarity and consistency within the context.

Strategic vs. Tactical DDD

Strategic DDD

Focuses on the big picture: understanding the overall domain, identifying bounded contexts, and defining relationships between them.

Tactical DDD

Focuses on the implementation details within a single bounded context: designing aggregates, entities, value objects, and domain services.

Tactical Patterns


An entity is an object with a distinct identity that persists over time. The identity, rather than the attributes, distinguishes one entity from another.

Example: A Customer identified by their ID, even if their address changes.

Entities have a lifecycle and can change state.

Key aspect: Focus on identity, state, and behavior.

Value Objects

A value object is an immutable object defined by its attributes. Two value objects are considered equal if their attributes are equal.

Example: An Address consisting of street, city, and zip code. Changing any part of the address creates a new Address object.

Value objects are often used to represent concepts that don’t have a unique identity.

Key aspect: Immutability, equality based on attributes, and conceptual wholeness.


An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that are treated as a single unit for data changes. One entity within the aggregate is designated as the aggregate root.

Example: An Order aggregate with the Order as the root, containing OrderItem value objects.

All external access to the aggregate is controlled through the aggregate root.

Key aspect: Enforces consistency and encapsulates complexity.

Domain Services

A domain service is a stateless operation that performs a significant process in the domain that doesn’t naturally fit within an entity or value object.

Example: A TransferService that transfers money between two accounts.

Services often involve multiple entities or external systems.

Key aspect: Represents domain logic that transcends single objects.


A repository provides an abstraction for accessing data persistence. It acts as a collection-like interface for domain objects.

Example: A CustomerRepository that provides methods for finding, adding, and removing Customer entities.

Repositories decouple the domain model from the data access layer.

Key aspect: Enables easier testing and switching between persistence mechanisms.

Strategic Patterns

Context Mapping

Context Mapping is the process of defining the relationships between bounded contexts.

Key aspect: Ensures clear understanding of dependencies and interactions between different parts of the system.

Common context map patterns include:

  • Partnership: Two contexts collaborate closely and succeed or fail together.
  • Shared Kernel: Two contexts share a subset of the domain model.
  • Customer-Supplier: One context provides services to another.
  • Conformist: One context aligns its model to the upstream context.
  • Anticorruption Layer: A layer that translates between different models to prevent corruption of the downstream context.


A subdomain is a specific area within the overall domain. Identifying subdomains helps to break down the complexity of the problem.

Key aspect: Focus on different areas of expertise and responsibility.

Subdomains can be classified as:

  • Core Domain: The most important and differentiating part of the business.
  • Supporting Subdomain: Important but not differentiating.
  • Generic Subdomain: Not specific to the business and can be purchased off-the-shelf.

Implementation Considerations

Event Storming

Event Storming is a workshop-based method for collaboratively exploring a domain and identifying key events, commands, and aggregates.

Key aspect: Facilitates communication and shared understanding between developers and domain experts.

Involves domain experts, developers, and testers working together to model the domain on a large surface using sticky notes.

Benefits: Quick way to visualize the domain and identify potential problems.

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)

CQRS is a pattern that separates read and write operations for a data store.

Key aspect: Allows for optimization of read and write models independently.

Commands are used to update data, while queries are used to retrieve data. This separation can improve performance and scalability.

Considerations: Increases complexity and requires eventual consistency for read models.

Eventual Consistency

Eventual Consistency is a consistency model where updates to data may not be immediately reflected in all replicas or read models.

Key aspect: Data will eventually become consistent, but there may be a delay.

Often used in distributed systems and CQRS architectures.

Considerations: Requires careful handling of potential data inconsistencies.