Catalog / Travis CI Cheat Sheet

Travis CI Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Travis CI configurations, commands, and best practices for continuous integration and deployment.

Core Concepts & Configuration

Basic `.travis.yml` Structure

A basic .travis.yml file specifies the language and build steps:

language: ruby
  - 2.7
  - gem install bundler
  - bundle install
  - bundle exec rspec

Key components:

  • language: Specifies the programming language.
  • rvm (or equivalent): Specifies the version manager and versions.
  • before_install: Commands to run before installing dependencies.
  • install: Commands to install dependencies.
  • script: Commands to run the build/test suite.

Language Support

language: ruby

Specifies the Ruby language environment.

language: node_js

Specifies the Node.js environment.

language: python

Specifies the Python environment.

language: java

Specifies the Java environment.

Build Lifecycle Stages

Travis CI build lifecycle consists of distinct stages:

  • before_install: Prepare the environment.
  • install: Install dependencies.
  • before_script: Run commands before the main script.
  • script: Run the primary build script (tests, etc.).
  • after_success / after_failure: Commands to run based on the script’s success.
  • after_script: Always runs regardless of build outcome.
  • before_deploy: Run before deploying code.
  • deploy: Deploy the code to a provider.
  • after_deploy: Run commands after successful deployment.

Advanced Configuration

Environment Variables


Define environment variables for the build. Can be global or matrix-specific.

    - TEST_SUITE=unit
    - TEST_SUITE=integration

Secure Variables

Sensitive data should be encrypted using the Travis CI CLI and stored as secure: variables.

Build Matrix

A build matrix allows you to test your code against multiple configurations.

    - rvm: 2.6
      gemfile: gemfiles/rails-5.2.gemfile
    - rvm: 2.7
      gemfile: gemfiles/rails-6.0.gemfile

You can exclude specific configurations:

    - rvm: 2.5
      gemfile: gemfiles/rails-6.0.gemfile

Caching Dependencies


Enable caching to speed up builds by reusing dependencies.

    - node_modules
    - vendor/bundle

Common directories

node_modules, vendor/bundle, and other dependency directories can be cached.


Basic Deployment Configuration

Travis CI supports deployment to various providers. Here’s an example for deploying to Heroku:

  provider: heroku
  app: your-heroku-app-name
    branch: master

Key components:

  • provider: Specifies the deployment provider.
  • api_key: Your API key for the provider (encrypted).
  • app: The name of your application on the provider.
  • on: Conditions for deployment (e.g., branch).

Conditional Deployment

on: branch: master

Deploys only when the build is triggered from the master branch.

on: tags: true

Deploys only when a tagged commit is built.

Deployment Providers

Travis CI supports a wide range of deployment providers, including:

  • Heroku
  • AWS (S3, Elastic Beanstalk)
  • Firebase
  • GitHub Pages
  • PyPI
  • npm
  • and many more.

Tips and Tricks

Debugging Travis CI Builds

Debugging failed builds:

  • Check the Travis CI build logs for error messages.
  • Enable debug mode by setting travis_debug: true in your .travis.yml.
  • Use SSH access for interactive debugging (requires a paid plan).
  • Add echo statements in your .travis.yml to print variable values and execution flow.

Optimizing Build Times


Cache dependencies to reduce installation time.


Run tests in parallel using tools like parallel_test (for Ruby) or tox (for Python).

Selective Testing

Run only the necessary tests based on changed files.

Common Issues and Solutions

Common issues:

  • Incorrect rvm or language version.
  • Missing dependencies.
  • Test failures due to environment differences.
  • Deployment failures due to incorrect credentials.


  • Double-check your .travis.yml configuration.
  • Ensure all dependencies are listed in your dependency management file (e.g., Gemfile, package.json).
  • Use environment variables to handle sensitive data.
  • Test your deployment process locally before pushing to Travis CI.