Catalog / UML Cheat Sheet
UML Cheat Sheet
A concise cheat sheet covering the essential aspects of Unified Modeling Language (UML), including diagrams, relationships, and notation.
UML Diagrams Overview
Structural Diagrams
Class Diagram: Represents the static structure of a system, showing classes, attributes, operations, and relationships. |
Object Diagram: Shows instances of classes and their relationships at a specific point in time. |
Component Diagram: Illustrates the organization and relationships of software components. |
Deployment Diagram: Depicts the physical deployment of software components to hardware nodes. |
Package Diagram: Organizes model elements into packages to manage complexity. |
Profile Diagram: Allows defining custom stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints to extend UML for specific domains. |
Behavioral Diagrams
Use Case Diagram: Captures the functional requirements of a system from the user’s perspective. |
Activity Diagram: Models the flow of activities within a system or business process. |
State Machine Diagram: Describes the states an object can be in and the transitions between those states in response to events. |
Sequence Diagram: Illustrates interactions between objects in a time-ordered sequence. |
Communication Diagram: Similar to sequence diagrams, but focuses on object relationships rather than time sequence. Also known as collaboration diagram. |
Interaction Overview Diagram: Provides a high-level view of the interactions within a system, combining aspects of activity and sequence diagrams. |
Timing Diagram: Shows the change in state or value of one or more objects over time. |
Class Diagram Elements
Notation: |
Represented as a rectangle divided into three sections: class name, attributes, and operations. |
Attributes: |
Characteristics or properties of a class. Indicated by name, type, and visibility (e.g., |
Operations: |
Actions or functions that a class can perform. Indicated by name, parameters, and return type (e.g., |
Visibility: |
Association: |
A general relationship between classes, indicated by a solid line. Can be unidirectional or bidirectional. |
Aggregation: |
A ‘has-a’ relationship representing a whole-part hierarchy, where the part can exist independently of the whole. Represented by a line with an open diamond at the whole end. |
Composition: |
A strong ‘has-a’ relationship where the part cannot exist independently of the whole. Represented by a line with a filled diamond at the whole end. |
Generalization (Inheritance): |
An ‘is-a’ relationship where one class inherits from another. Represented by a line with an open triangle at the parent class end. |
Realization: |
A relationship between an interface and a class that implements it. Represented by a dashed line with an open triangle at the interface end. |
Dependency: |
A weaker form of relationship indicating that one class uses or depends on another. Represented by a dashed line. |
Use Case Diagram Elements
Represented as stick figures. Actors interact with the system but are external to it. Can be human users, external systems, or hardware devices. |
Use Cases
Represented as ovals. Use cases are high-level descriptions of what a system should do from the actor’s perspective. |
Association: |
Represents interaction between an actor and a use case. A solid line connects the actor to the use case. |
Include: |
Indicates that one use case includes the functionality of another. Represented by a dashed line with an arrow pointing to the included use case and labeled |
Extend: |
Indicates that one use case extends the functionality of another. Represented by a dashed line with an arrow pointing to the extended use case and labeled |
Generalization: |
An ‘is-a’ relationship between use cases, indicating that one use case inherits the behavior of another. Represented by a solid line with an open triangle pointing to the parent use case. |
System Boundary
A rectangle that encloses the use cases, representing the boundary of the system. |
Activity & Sequence Diagrams
Activity Diagram Elements
Initial Node: |
Represents the starting point of the activity. Shown as a filled circle. |
Activity: |
Represents a task or action performed. Shown as a rounded rectangle. |
Decision Node: |
Represents a branching point in the activity flow. Shown as a diamond. |
Merge Node: |
Represents a point where multiple flows converge into one. Shown as a diamond. |
Fork Node: |
Splits a single flow of control into multiple concurrent flows. Shown as a bar. |
Join Node: |
Synchronizes multiple concurrent flows into a single flow. Shown as a bar. |
Final Node: |
Represents the end of the activity. Shown as a bullseye. |
Sequence Diagram Elements
Lifeline: |
Represents the existence of an object over time. Shown as a vertical dashed line. |
Activation Box: |
Indicates when an object is performing an action. Shown as a thin rectangle on the lifeline. |
Message: |
Represents communication between objects. Shown as an arrow from one lifeline to another. |
Synchronous Message: |
The sender waits for a response. Shown as a solid arrow. |
Asynchronous Message: |
The sender does not wait for a response. Shown as an open arrow. |
Return Message: |
Represents the response to a synchronous message. Shown as a dashed arrow. |