Catalog / Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet

Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet

A concise reference for regular expressions (regex) syntax and usage, covering patterns, metacharacters, quantifiers, and common operations.

Regex Fundamentals

Basic Patterns


Matches the literal sequence abc.


Matches any single character: a, b, or c.


Matches any single character except a, b, or c.


Matches any lowercase letter from a to z.


Matches any digit from 0 to 9.


Matches any single character (except newline).



Matches any digit (same as [0-9]).


Matches any non-digit character (same as [^0-9]).


Matches any word character (alphanumeric and underscore, same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]).


Matches any non-word character (same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_]).


Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline).


Matches any non-whitespace character.



Matches the beginning of the string.


Matches the end of the string.


Matches a word boundary (the position between a word character and a non-word character).


Matches a non-word boundary.

Quantifiers and Grouping



Matches the preceding element 0 or more times.


Matches the preceding element 1 or more times.


Matches the preceding element 0 or 1 time.


Matches the preceding element exactly n times.


Matches the preceding element n or more times.


Matches the preceding element between n and m times (inclusive).

Grouping and Capturing


Groups the enclosed pattern. Captures the matched text for backreferencing.


Non-capturing group. Groups the pattern without capturing the matched text.


Acts as an ‘or’ operator. Matches either the pattern before or after the |.


Named capturing group. Matches ... and stores it in the group named name.

\1, \2, …

Backreferences to the captured groups. \1 refers to the first captured group, \2 to the second, and so on.

Greedy vs. Lazy Matching

By default, quantifiers are greedy, meaning they match as much as possible.

Add a ? after a quantifier to make it lazy, matching as little as possible.


Given the string <a><b></a></b> and the pattern <.*>:

  • Greedy: matches <a><b></a></b>
  • Lazy: matches <a>

Advanced Regex Features



Positive lookahead assertion. Ensures that the pattern is followed by pattern, but doesn’t include pattern in the match.


Negative lookahead assertion. Ensures that the pattern is not followed by pattern.


Positive lookbehind assertion. Ensures that the pattern is preceded by pattern, but doesn’t include pattern in the match (not supported in all regex engines).


Negative lookbehind assertion. Ensures that the pattern is not preceded by pattern (not supported in all regex engines).



Case-insensitive matching.


Global matching (find all matches, not just the first).


Multiline matching. ^ and $ match the start and end of each line (as well as the start/end of the string).


Dotall. Allows . to match newline characters.

Conditional Regex

(?(condition)then|else) - Matches the then part if the condition is met, otherwise matches the else part. The else part can be omitted.

Common Regex Operations


Replace matches of a pattern with a specified string.

Example (Python):

import re

text = "The quick brown fox"
new_text = re.sub(r"\s+", "-", text)
print(new_text) # Output: The-quick-brown-fox


Split a string into a list of substrings based on a regex delimiter.

Example (JavaScript):

const text = "apple,banana,orange";
const fruits = text.split(/,/);
console.log(fruits); // Output: [ 'apple', 'banana', 'orange' ]


Verify that a string matches a specific format using regex.

Example (Java):

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

String email = "[email protected]";
boolean isValid = Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}", email);
System.out.println(isValid); // Output: true