Catalog / Dash Shell Scripting Cheatsheet
Dash Shell Scripting Cheatsheet
A concise cheat sheet for Dash shell scripting, covering essential syntax, commands, and best practices for writing efficient and portable shell scripts.
Dash Fundamentals
Basic Syntax
Comments |
Variables |
String literals |
Command Substitution |
Exit Status |
Shebang |
Control Structures
Commands and Utilities
File Manipulation
List directory contents |
Copy files or directories |
Move or rename files or directories |
Remove files or directories |
Create directories |
Create an empty file or update timestamp |
Text Processing
Display a line of text |
Concatenate and display files |
Search for a pattern in files |
Stream editor for text manipulation |
Pattern scanning and processing language |
Word, line, and byte count |
System Information
Print system information |
Print or set the system date and time |
Print working directory |
Print effective userid |
Show how long the system has been running |
Display amount of free and used memory |
Expressions and Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Addition |
Subtraction |
Multiplication |
Division |
Modulo |
Exponentiation (not POSIX standard, may not work on all shells) |
String Operators
Equality |
Inequality |
True if string is empty |
True if string is not empty |
File Test Operators
True if file exists |
True if file exists and is a regular file |
True if file exists and is a directory |
True if file exists and is readable |
True if file exists and is writable |
True if file exists and is executable |
Functions and Script Execution
Defining Functions
Passing Arguments to Functions
Accessing arguments |
All arguments |
Number of arguments |
Example |
Script Execution
Executing a script |
Making a script executable |
Sourcing a script |
Differences between executing and sourcing |
Executing runs in a subshell, sourcing runs in the current shell. |