Catalog / JUnit Testing Cheatsheet

JUnit Testing Cheatsheet

A concise reference for writing effective unit tests in Java using JUnit. Covers annotations, assertions, test fixtures, and best practices for robust testing.

JUnit Fundamentals

Core Annotations


Marks a method as a test case. JUnit will execute this method when running tests.

@BeforeEach (JUnit 5) / @Before (JUnit 4)

Specifies a method to be executed before each test method in the class. Used for setting up test fixtures.

@AfterEach (JUnit 5) / @After (JUnit 4)

Specifies a method to be executed after each test method in the class. Used for tearing down test fixtures.

@BeforeAll (JUnit 5) / @BeforeClass (JUnit 4)

Specifies a method to be executed once before any of the test methods in the class are executed. Must be static.

@AfterAll (JUnit 5) / @AfterClass (JUnit 4)

Specifies a method to be executed once after all of the test methods in the class have been executed. Must be static.

@Disabled (JUnit 5) / @Ignore (JUnit 4)

Marks a test method as disabled/ignored. The test will not be executed.

Basic Assertions

assertEquals(expected, actual)

Asserts that two values are equal. Can be used with various data types.


Asserts that a condition is true.


Asserts that a condition is false.


Asserts that an object is null.


Asserts that an object is not null.

assertSame(expected, actual)

Asserts that two objects refer to the same object.

assertNotSame(expected, actual)

Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object.

Exception Testing

assertThrows(expectedType, executable) - Asserts that the execution of the supplied executable throws an exception of the expected type.

void testException() {
    IllegalArgumentException exception = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument");
    assertEquals("Invalid argument", exception.getMessage());

Advanced Assertions & Features

Advanced Assertions (JUnit 5)


Asserts that all supplied executables do not throw exceptions. Useful for grouping multiple assertions.

void testMultipleAssertions() {
        () -> assertEquals(2, 1 + 1),
        () -> assertTrue(5 > 3)

assertTimeout(duration, executable)

Asserts that the execution of the supplied executable completes before the given timeout.

void testTimeout() {
    assertTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(1), () -> {

assertTimeoutPreemptively(duration, executable)

Similar to assertTimeout but terminates the execution preemptively if the timeout is exceeded.

void testTimeoutPreemptively() {
    assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofSeconds(1), () -> {
        Thread.sleep(2000); // This will likely fail


Assumptions are conditions that must be true for a test to be meaningful. If an assumption fails, the test is aborted.

  • assumeTrue(condition) - Assumes that the condition is true.
  • assumeFalse(condition) - Assumes that the condition is false.
  • assumingThat(assumption, executable) - Executes the executable only if the assumption is met.
void testWithAssumption() {
    // This test will only run on Windows
    assertEquals("C:\\", System.getProperty("user.home"));

Parameterized Tests (JUnit 5)

Parameterized tests allow you to run the same test multiple times with different input values.

  • @ParameterizedTest - Marks a method as a parameterized test.
  • @ValueSource - Provides a simple array of literal values as the source of arguments.
  • @CsvSource - Allows you to specify multiple arguments as comma-separated values.
@ValueSource(ints = { 2, 4, 6 })
void testNumberIsEven(int number) {
    assertTrue(number % 2 == 0);

@CsvSource({"1,one", "2,two", "3,three"})
void testNumberName(int number, String name) {
    assertEquals(name, numberToName(number));

Test Fixtures and Suites

Test Fixtures

Test fixtures provide a fixed baseline for running tests. They ensure that the tests are executed in a consistent and repeatable environment.

  • Use @BeforeEach (JUnit 5) / @Before (JUnit 4) to set up the fixture before each test.
  • Use @AfterEach (JUnit 5) / @After (JUnit 4) to tear down the fixture after each test.
  • Use @BeforeAll (JUnit 5) / @BeforeClass (JUnit 4) to set up the fixture once before all tests.
  • Use @AfterAll (JUnit 5) / @AfterClass (JUnit 4) to tear down the fixture once after all tests.
class MyTest {

    private MyObject obj;

    void setUp() {
        obj = new MyObject();

    void tearDown() {
        obj = null;

    void testSomething() {
        // Test using obj

Test Suites

Test suites allow you to group multiple test classes into a single execution unit.

  • JUnit 4: Use @RunWith(Suite.class) and @Suite.SuiteClasses({TestClass1.class, TestClass2.class}).
  • JUnit 5: Use @Suite and @SelectClasses({TestClass1.class, TestClass2.class}).
@Suite.SuiteClasses({TestClass1.class, TestClass2.class})
public class MyTestSuite {
    // Empty class, acts as a holder for the suite

@SelectClasses({TestClass1.class, TestClass2.class})
public class MyTestSuite {}

Best Practices

Writing Effective Tests

  • Test one thing at a time: Each test method should focus on verifying a single aspect of the code.
  • Write clear and descriptive test names: Test names should clearly indicate what is being tested.
  • Follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern: Arrange the test data, act by invoking the method under test, and assert the expected outcome.
  • Keep tests independent: Tests should not rely on the state of other tests.
  • Test edge cases and boundary conditions: Ensure that the code handles unusual or extreme inputs correctly.
  • Write tests that are repeatable and reliable: Tests should produce the same results every time they are run.
  • Cover all code paths: Ensure your tests provide sufficient coverage of your code.
  • Use meaningful assertion messages: Provide clear messages when assertions fail to help identify the root cause.


Mocking is a technique used to isolate the code under test from its dependencies. Mock objects simulate the behavior of real objects, allowing you to verify interactions and control the test environment.

  • Mockito: A popular Java mocking framework that provides a simple and intuitive API.
  • EasyMock: Another Java mocking framework with similar capabilities.
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class MyServiceTest {

    void testDoSomething() {
        MyDependency dependency = mock(MyDependency.class);
        MyService service = new MyService(dependency);


