Catalog / LabVIEW Cheat Sheet

LabVIEW Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential LabVIEW concepts, functions, and development practices.

LabVIEW Basics

Core Concepts

Virtual Instrument (VI): The fundamental building block in LabVIEW, representing a program with a front panel, block diagram, and icon/connector pane.

Front Panel: The user interface of a VI, containing controls (inputs) and indicators (outputs).

Block Diagram: The graphical code of a VI, where you connect functions, structures, and data to perform operations.

Controls: Input elements on the front panel (e.g., numeric controls, buttons, strings).

Indicators: Output elements on the front panel (e.g., graphs, numeric indicators, LEDs).

Dataflow Programming: LabVIEW executes code based on the availability of data, not on a sequential order.

Data Types


Integers (I8, I16, I32, I64), Floating-point (SGL, DBL, EXT), Complex.


TRUE or FALSE values.


Textual data.


Collection of elements of the same data type.


Collection of elements of different data types (similar to a struct).


File or directory path.

Basic Operations

Right-click on the Block Diagram to access functions, structures, and VIs.

Use the Wiring tool to connect terminals and pass data between nodes.

Use the Execution Highlighting tool (light bulb icon) to visualize data flow during execution.

Use the Probe tool to inspect data values at specific points in the Block Diagram.

Use the Breakpoint tool to pause execution at specific points in the Block Diagram.

Structures and Functions


While Loop:

Executes code repeatedly until a condition is met.

For Loop:

Executes code a specified number of times.

Case Structure:

Executes different code sections based on an input value.

Sequence Structure:

Executes code in a sequential order (less common in modern LabVIEW).

Event Structure:

Handles user interface events, such as button clicks or value changes.

Common Functions

Numeric Functions:

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Trigonometric functions, etc.

String Functions:

Concatenate Strings, String Length, Substring, String to Number conversion, etc.

Array Functions:

Array Size, Index Array, Replace Array Subset, Build Array, etc.

File I/O Functions:

Read from File, Write to File, Create Directory, Delete File, etc.

Timing Functions:

Wait, Wait Until Next ms Multiple, Get Date/Time, etc.

Dialog & User Interface:

One Button Dialog, Two Button Dialog, Message to User, etc.

Error Handling

Always handle errors in LabVIEW to prevent unexpected program termination.

Use the Error In and Error Out clusters to pass error information between nodes.

Use the ‘Simple Error Handler’ VI for basic error handling.

Consider using more advanced error handling techniques for complex applications, such as error handling case structures.

Data Acquisition (DAQ)

DAQ Basics

LabVIEW is widely used for data acquisition and instrument control.

Use the DAQmx VIs to interface with National Instruments DAQ hardware.

Common DAQ tasks include analog input, analog output, digital input, and digital output.


DAQmx Create Virtual Channel:

Creates a virtual channel for a specific DAQ task.

DAQmx Timing:

Configures the timing of the DAQ task (e.g., sample rate, number of samples).

DAQmx Start Task:

Starts the DAQ task.

DAQmx Read:

Reads data from the DAQ device.

DAQmx Write:

Writes data to the DAQ device.

DAQmx Stop Task:

Stops the DAQ task.

DAQmx Clear Task:

Clears the DAQ task and releases resources.

Example DAQ Sequence

  1. Create Virtual Channel: Configure the physical channel and measurement type.
  1. Configure Timing: Set the sample rate and number of samples to acquire.
  1. Start Task: Initiate the data acquisition process.
  1. Read Data: Retrieve the acquired data from the DAQ device.
  1. Process Data: Perform any necessary data processing or analysis.
  1. Stop Task: Halt the data acquisition process.
  1. Clear Task: Release the DAQ resources.

Advanced Techniques

State Machines

State machines are a common design pattern for creating complex applications in LabVIEW.

Use a While Loop and Case Structure to implement a state machine.

Each state represents a specific action or behavior of the application.

Transitions between states are triggered by events or conditions.



Used for passing data between parallel loops in LabVIEW.


Adds data to the end of the queue.


Retrieves data from the front of the queue.

Obtain Queue:

Creates a new queue.

Release Queue:

Destroys a queue and releases its resources.

Property Nodes and Invoke Nodes

Property Nodes: Used to get or set the properties of front panel objects or other LabVIEW objects.

Invoke Nodes: Used to call methods on LabVIEW objects.

These nodes provide programmatic control over the behavior and appearance of VIs.