Catalog / Lisp Programming Cheatsheet

Lisp Programming Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Lisp programming, covering syntax, data structures, functions, macros, and common operations. Useful for both beginners and experienced Lispers.

Basic Syntax & Data Types

Syntax Fundamentals

Lisp syntax is based on s-expressions (symbolic expressions).
Everything is either an atom or a list.

(operator operand1 operand2 ...) - Function application. The first element is the function, and the rest are its arguments.

Parentheses are crucial. They define the structure and order of operations.

Comments start with a semicolon ; and continue to the end of the line.

Basic Data Types


Integers (e.g., 1, -42), floating-point numbers (e.g., 3.14, -2.71).


Represent variables, function names, etc. (e.g., x, my-variable). Case-insensitive by default (implementation dependent).


Sequences of characters enclosed in double quotes (e.g., "hello world").


Represented differently depending on the Lisp dialect. (e.g., #\A in Common Lisp).


t (true) and nil (false). Note: nil also represents the empty list.


Ordered collections of elements enclosed in parentheses (e.g., (1 2 3), (a b c)).

Lists and Cons Cells

Lists are built from cons cells. A cons cell holds two pointers: car (first) and cdr (rest).

cons - Constructs a new cons cell.
(cons 'a 'b) ; => (a . b)

car - Returns the first element of a list.
(car '(a b c)) ; => a

cdr - Returns the rest of the list (excluding the first element).
(cdr '(a b c)) ; => (b c)

Functions and Control Flow

Defining Functions

(defun function-name (parameter1 parameter2 ...) body) - Defines a new function.


(defun square (x) (* x x))
(square 5) ; => 25

Parameters are symbols that receive the argument values when the function is called.

Control Flow


(if condition then-clause else-clause)
Evaluates condition. If true, executes then-clause; otherwise, executes else-clause.

(if (> x 0) "positive" "non-positive")


(cond (condition1 clause1) (condition2 clause2) ... (t else-clause))
A multi-way conditional. Evaluates conditions in order until one is true, then executes the corresponding clause.

(cond ((> x 0) "positive")
      ((< x 0) "negative")
      (t "zero"))


A conditional that compares a key against multiple values.

(case x
  (1 "one")
  (2 "two")
  (otherwise "something else"))

loop (Common Lisp)

Powerful iteration construct with many clauses for different looping behaviors. Too complex to summarize here, but essential for serious Lisp programming.

Lambda Functions

(lambda (parameters) body) - Creates an anonymous function.

((lambda (x) (* x x)) 5) ; => 25

Lambda functions are often used as arguments to other functions (higher-order functions).

funcall - Applies a function to arguments.
(funcall #'+ 1 2) ; => 3

apply - Applies a function to a list of arguments.
(apply #'+ '(1 2)) ; => 3

Variables and Scope

Variable Binding

let - Introduces local variable bindings.
(let ((variable1 value1) (variable2 value2) ...) body)

(let ((x 10) (y 20))
  (+ x y))
; => 30

let* - Similar to let, but bindings are evaluated sequentially, allowing later bindings to depend on earlier ones.

(let* ((x 10)
       (y (+ x 5)))
  (* x y))
; => 150

setf - Assigns a value to a variable or a place.
(setf variable value)

(setf x 5)
x ; => 5


Lisp typically uses lexical (static) scoping. Variables are visible within the block they are defined and any nested blocks, unless shadowed by a new binding.

Global variables can be defined using defvar or defparameter (Common Lisp). defparameter is typically used for variables that you expect to change during program execution.

(defvar *global-variable* 10)
(defparameter *pi* 3.14159)

Data Structures


Arrays can be created using make-array (Common Lisp). Access elements with aref.

(setf my-array (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 2 3)))
(aref my-array 0) ; => 1

Hash Tables

Hash tables store key-value pairs. Created with make-hash-table. Access with gethash and set with setf (gethash key hash-table) value.

(setf my-hash (make-hash-table))
(setf (gethash 'name my-hash) "Lisp")
(gethash 'name my-hash) ; => "Lisp"


User-defined data types with named slots. Defined using defstruct (Common Lisp).

(defstruct person name age)
(setf p (make-person :name "Alice" :age 30))
(person-name p) ; => "Alice"


Macro Definition

defmacro - Defines a macro.
(defmacro macro-name (parameters) body)

Macros are code that write code. They are expanded at compile time.


(defmacro my-or (x y)
  `(let ((temp ,x))
     (if temp temp ,y)))

This macro defines a short-circuiting ‘or’ operator.
(my-or (print "x") (print "y")) will only print “x” if x is not nil.

Quoting and Unquoting

' (quote)

Prevents evaluation. Returns the expression literally.

'(+ 1 2) ; => (+ 1 2)

`` (backquote)`

Similar to quote, but allows selective evaluation using , (comma).

(let ((x 10))
  `(the value of x is ,x))
; => (the value of x is 10)

, (comma)

Inside a backquote, evaluates the expression and splices the result.

(let ((numbers '(1 2 3)))
  `(the numbers are ,@numbers))
; => (the numbers are 1 2 3)


Used inside a backquote to splice a list into the surrounding list.

(let ((numbers '(1 2 3)))
 `(numbers: ,@numbers))
; => (numbers: 1 2 3)

Macro Expansion

macroexpand - Shows the expanded form of a macro.

(macroexpand '(my-or (print "x") (print "y")))
; => (LET ((TEMP (PRINT "x")))
;      (IF TEMP TEMP (PRINT "y")))

Understanding macro expansion is crucial for debugging and understanding macro behavior.