Catalog / Final Cut Pro - Editing Cheatsheet

Final Cut Pro - Editing Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to Final Cut Pro, covering essential shortcuts, editing techniques, and workflow tips for efficient video editing.

Basic Editing Shortcuts




J, K, L

Play backward, Stop, Play forward (Press multiple times for variable speed)

Shift + ?

Open the commands list


Move one frame backward/forward


Move to previous/next edit point

Home / End

Go to beginning/end of timeline

Editing Functions

I / O

Set In/Out points


Mark clip


Delete clip


Connect edit


Insert edit


Append edit

Clip Manipulation

Cmd + B

Blade tool (cut clip)

Ctrl + V

Paste Attributes

Shift + Z

Zoom to fit

Option + [ or Option + ]

Trim clip start or end to playhead

Ctrl + S


Cmd + Z


Advanced Editing Techniques

Color Correction

Use the Color Board or Color Wheels in the Inspector to adjust exposure, saturation, and color temperature.

  1. Select the clip in the timeline.
  2. Go to the Inspector window.
  3. Click on the Color tab.
  4. Use the Color Board (Exposure, Saturation, Color) or Color Wheels to make adjustments.

Tip: Use scopes (like the waveform monitor) to ensure accurate color correction.

Utilize the Match Color feature to match the color of one clip to another. Select the clip you want to change then use Match Color and pick a reference frame.

Apply LUTs (Lookup Tables) for quick color grading presets. You can import custom LUTs or use built-in ones.

Audio Editing

Adjust audio levels directly in the timeline by dragging the audio level line. Use keyframes (Option-click on the line) for dynamic adjustments.

Tip: Use audio meters to monitor levels and avoid clipping.

Apply audio effects like EQ, Compression, and Noise Reduction from the Audio tab in the Inspector.

  • EQ: Adjust frequencies for clarity.
  • Compression: Reduce dynamic range.
  • Noise Reduction: Remove background noise.

Use Audio Crossfades to create smooth transitions between audio clips. Adjust the crossfade duration for desired effect.

Working with Transitions

Add transitions by dragging them from the Transitions browser to the beginning or end of a clip, or between two clips.

Default Transition: Cmd + T

Adjust transition parameters (duration, alignment, etc.) in the Inspector. Customize transitions to fit your desired style.

Use the Dissolve transition for smooth and subtle transitions. Experiment with different transition types (Wipe, Push, etc.) for varied effects.

Workflow and Organization

Library Management

Create and organize Libraries for different projects. This helps keep your media and timelines organized.

File > New > Library

Use Events within Libraries to categorize footage (e.g., by date, location, or scene). Events help further organize your media.

File > New > Event

Apply Keywords and Ratings to your clips for easy searching and filtering. This is crucial for large projects.

Cmd + K to add keywords

Proxy Media

Generate Proxy Media for smoother playback of high-resolution footage. This reduces the processing load on your system.

Right-click clips in browser > Transcode Media > Create Proxy Media

Switch between Original/Optimized and Proxy media in the Viewer settings. Choose the appropriate setting based on your system performance.

View > Proxy Media > Prefer Proxies

Delete Proxy Media after project completion to save storage space. Ensure you have the original media backed up.

Right-click clips in browser > Transcode Media > Delete Proxy Media

Backup and Archiving

Regularly Backup your Libraries and media to external drives or cloud storage. This protects your project from data loss.

Use the Archive Project feature to create a self-contained copy of your project. This includes all media and project files.

File > Archive Project…

Consider using a dedicated backup solution for automated backups. Time Machine or Backblaze are good options.

Effects and Titles

Adding and Modifying Effects

Apply effects by dragging them from the Effects browser onto a clip in the timeline.

Access the Effects browser via Cmd + 5.

Modify effect parameters in the Inspector. Adjust settings to achieve the desired look.

Common effects include blur, sharpen, and stylize effects.

Use Keyframes to animate effect parameters over time. Create dynamic and interesting effects.

Working with Titles

Add titles by dragging them from the Titles browser onto the timeline.

Access the Titles browser via Ctrl + Cmd + 1.

Customize title text, font, size, and color in the Inspector.

Use the Transform tools to position and scale titles.

Animate titles using behaviors or keyframes. Create engaging and dynamic text animations.


Use the Compositing blend modes to create interesting visual effects. Experiment with different blend modes for unique looks.

Access blend modes in the Inspector under the Compositing tab.

Apply Masks to isolate parts of a clip for targeted effects. Use shape masks or draw custom masks.

Combine multiple effects and titles to create complex compositions. Layering and blending are key to advanced visual effects.