Catalog / Terminal Multiplexers Cheatsheet (tmux & screen)
Terminal Multiplexers Cheatsheet (tmux & screen)
A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential commands and configurations for using tmux and screen, two popular terminal multiplexers. This guide provides a quick reference for managing sessions, windows, and panes, enhancing productivity in the terminal.
tmux Basics
Session Management
Create a new tmux session with a specified name. |
Attach to an existing tmux session. |
List all active tmux sessions. |
Kill a specific tmux session. |
Rename a tmux session. |
Detach from the current tmux session. |
Window Management
Create a new window. |
Rename the current window. |
Go to the next window. |
Go to the previous window. |
Go to a specific window by number. |
List all windows and choose one to switch to. |
Kill the current window. |
Pane Management
Split the current window into two panes vertically. |
Split the current window into two panes horizontally. |
Move to the pane in the direction of the arrow key. |
Cycle through the panes. |
Toggle pane zoom (maximize/restore). |
Break the current pane out into a new window. |
Kill the current pane. |
screen Basics
Session Management (screen)
Start a new screen session. |
Start a new named screen session. |
Resume a detached screen session. |
Resume a specific named screen session. |
List all active screen sessions. |
Detach from the current screen session. |
Kill a screen session by its PID (found with |
Window Management (screen)
Create a new window. |
Go to the next window. |
Go to the previous window. |
Switch to window number |
Display a list of windows for selection. |
Rename the current window. |
Kill the current window. |
Other Useful Commands (screen)
Display help. |
Send |
Display the time and load average. |
View screen version information. |
Enable/disable logging of the current window to a file. |
Configuration (tmux)
tmux Configuration File
The tmux configuration file is typically located at Example: |
Bind a key to a specific tmux command. Example: |
Unbind a key. Example: |
Set a global tmux option. Example: |
Set a window-specific tmux option. Example: |
Configuration (screen)
screen Configuration File
The screen configuration file is typically located at **Example: |
Keybindings (screen)
Bind a key to a specific screen command. Example: |
Unbind a key. Example: |
Options (screen)
Set the default scrollback buffer size. Example: |
Enable or disable visual bell. Example: |