Catalog / Rsync Cheatsheet

Rsync Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for using Rsync, covering essential options, examples, and use cases for efficient file synchronization and backup.

Rsync Basics

Basic Syntax

rsync [options] source destination

rsync -avz /path/to/source/ user@host:/path/to/destination/

Essential Options


Archive mode; preserves permissions, ownership, timestamps, etc.


Verbose mode; increases the amount of information displayed during the transfer.


Compress file data during the transfer.


Recursively copy directories and files.


Preserve modification times.


Preserve owner.


Preserve group.


Preserve permissions.

Basic Examples

Copy a file to a remote server:
rsync myfile.txt user@host:/path/to/destination/

Copy a directory recursively to a remote server:
rsync -r /local/directory/ user@host:/remote/directory/

Synchronize two directories:
rsync -avz /source/directory/ /destination/directory/

Advanced Options

Deletion Options


Delete extraneous files from the destination directory.


Deletion happens before transfer.


Deletion happens after transfer.


Deletion happens during transfer.


Also delete excluded files from destination.

Transfer Options


Show progress during transfer.


Keep partially transferred files if the transfer is interrupted.


Skip files based on checksum, not modification time and size.


Skip updating files that exist on destination.


Remove source files after successful transfer.


Don’t transfer any file larger than SIZE.

Filtering Options


Exclude files matching pattern.


Include files matching pattern.


Read exclude patterns from FILE.


Read include patterns from FILE.

Security and Remote Transfers

SSH Options

-e 'ssh -p port'

Specify a different SSH port.

--rsh='ssh -l user'

Specify a remote shell program.


Specify where rsync is installed on the remote machine.

Using SSH Keys

Ensure SSH keys are set up for passwordless authentication to avoid interactive prompts.

Use ssh-keygen to generate keys and ssh-copy-id to copy them to the remote server.

Security Considerations

Always use secure protocols like SSH for remote transfers.
Avoid using rsync over unencrypted connections, especially for sensitive data.

Real-world examples


Incremental backup of a directory to an external drive:
rsync -av --delete /home/user/documents/ /mnt/backup/documents/

Daily incremental backup:
rsync -av --link-dest=/mnt/backup/yesterday /home/user/ /mnt/backup/today


Sync a website to web server:
rsync -az -e "ssh -i /path/to/key" /local/website user@host:/var/www/website


Create a mirror of a website:
rsync -avz --delete /path/to/source/ user@host:/path/to/destination/