Catalog / top Command Cheatsheet

top Command Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to the `top` command, covering process monitoring, system resource usage, and interactive commands for Unix-like operating systems.

Basic Usage

Starting top

To start the top command, simply type top in your terminal.


The display updates periodically, showing a snapshot of the system’s processes.

Understanding the Display

The top display is divided into two main sections:

  1. Summary Area: Displays overall system statistics.
  2. Task Area: Lists the processes being managed by the kernel.

Summary Area Fields


Shows how long the system has been running, the number of logged-in users, and the system load average.


Displays the total number of tasks, along with their statuses (running, sleeping, stopped, zombie).


Shows CPU usage statistics (user, system, idle, etc.).

KiB Mem

Displays memory usage (total, free, used, buffer/cache).

KiB Swap

Shows swap space usage.

Interactive Commands

Basic Commands


Displays the help menu.


Quits the top program.


Shows CPU usage per core (if supported).

Sorting Processes

Shift + p

Sorts processes by CPU usage (descending).

Shift + m

Sorts processes by memory usage (descending).

Shift + n

Sorts processes by PID (Process ID).

Shift + r

Reverses the sorting order.

Shift + t

Sorts processes by runtime.

Filtering Processes


Filters processes by username. Prompts for a username.


Adds a filter based on other fields. Prompts for a filter condition.


Clears all active filters.

Process Management

Killing Processes


Kills a process. Prompts for the PID of the process to kill and the signal to send (default is 15, SIGTERM).


To kill a process with PID 1234 using the default SIGTERM signal:

  1. Press k.
  2. Enter 1234 when prompted for the PID.
  3. Press Enter to accept the default signal (15).

Changing Priority (Renice)


Renices a process. Prompts for the PID of the process and the new nice value.


Only root can increase the priority (lower the nice value) of a process.


To renice a process with PID 5678 to a nice value of 10:

  1. Press r.
  2. Enter 5678 when prompted for the PID.
  3. Enter 10 when prompted for the new nice value.

Advanced Features

Customizing Display Fields


Adds or removes fields from the task display. Allows you to customize which columns are shown.

d or s

Changes the delay time between screen updates in seconds. d prompts for the new delay, s toggles between preset delays. Default is 3 seconds.

Alternate Displays


Toggles forest view, showing parent-child relationships between processes.


Toggles the display of the full command path instead of just the command name.

Shift + l

Search for the string.

Command Line Options

top -u <username>: Starts top, displaying only processes owned by <username>.


top -u www-data

top -p <pid>: Starts top, displaying only the process with PID <pid>.


top -p 1234

top -n <number>: Exits after <number> iterations.


top -n 5

top -b: Batch mode operation