Catalog / Bash Scripting Essentials Cheatsheet
Bash Scripting Essentials Cheatsheet
A concise reference for Bash scripting, covering essential syntax, commands, and best practices. Includes variables, loops, conditionals, functions, and more, to help you write effective and maintainable scripts.
Basics & Variables
Script Structure
Every bash script starts with a shebang line, specifying the interpreter.
Use comments to explain your code.
Best practice: use strict mode to catch errors early.
Defining a variable: |
Accessing a variable: |
String quotes: |
Variable scope (local): |
Readonly variables: |
Brace Expansion
Generate combinations of strings.
Loops & Conditionals
Looping through a range:
Looping with step size:
Reading lines from a file:
Infinite loop:
Basic |
Using |
Numeric conditions: |
File existence check: |
Case Statements
Functions & Arrays
Defining a function: |
Calling a function: |
Returning values: |
Raising errors: |
Passing arguments: |
Defining arrays:
Accessing elements:
Iterating through elements:
Getting array length:
Adding elements:
Parameter Expansion & Redirection
Parameter Expansion
String manipulation:
Default values:
Stdout to file: |
Stdout to file (append): |
Stderr to file: |
Stderr to stdout: |
Both stdout and stderr to file: |
Feed file to stdin: |
Advanced Features
History Expansion
Show history:
Expand last parameter of most recent command:
Expand all parameters of most recent command:
Expand nth most recent command:
Execute last command again:
Replace in last command:
Options and Globbing
Disable file overwriting: |
Exit on error: |
Fail on pipe errors: |
Unset variables are errors: |
Wildcards match dotfiles: |
Recursive globbing |
String Manipulation
Uppercase and Lowercase Transformations:
Transforming strings using
Getting the directory of the script: