Catalog / Zsh Cheat Sheet

Zsh Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Zsh, covering essential commands, expressions, process substitution, and configuration tips for efficient command-line usage.

Zsh Basics

Shell Navigation


Change directory to home.

cd <directory>

Change directory to <directory>.

cd -

Change to the previous directory.


Print the current working directory.

pushd <directory>

Push current directory onto stack and change to <directory>.


Pop directory from stack and change to it.

File and Directory Management


List files and directories in the current directory.

ls -l

List files with detailed information.

mkdir <directory>

Create a new directory named <directory>.

rm <file>

Remove the specified <file>.

rm -r <directory>

Recursively remove the directory <directory> and its contents.

cp <source> <destination>

Copy <source> to <destination>.

Basic Commands

echo <text>

Print <text> to the console.

cat <file>

Display the contents of <file>.

less <file>

View <file> one page at a time.

head <file>

Display the first 10 lines of <file>.

tail <file>

Display the last 10 lines of <file>.

grep <pattern> <file>

Search for <pattern> in <file>.

Expressions and History

History Expansion


Execute the last command.


Execute the command with the specified history number.


The last word of the previous command.


All words from the previous command (except the command name).


The first argument of the previous command.


Execute the nth command from the end of the history list.

Filename Generation (Globbing)


Matches any string of characters.


Matches any single character.


Matches a, b, or c.


Matches any character except a, b, or c.


Matches any character in the range a to z.


Recursively matches files in subdirectories.

Modifiers in History Expansion


Substitute foo with bar.


Repeat the last substitution.


Global substitution.


Remove a trailing filename component, leaving only the head.


Remove all leading filename components, leaving the tail.


Remove a filename extension, leaving the root name.

Process Substitution & Redirection

Process Substitution


Treat the output of command as a file for reading.


Treat a file as the input to command.


diff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)


sort <(echo "b\na")


paste <(seq 3) <(seq 3)



Redirect output to a file (overwrites).


Redirect output to a file (appends).


Redirect standard error to a file.


Redirect both standard output and standard error to a file.


Pipe output of one command to the input of another.

tee <file>

Send output to both standard output and <file>.

Combining Redirection and Process Substitution


comm <(sort file1) <(sort file2)

Compares two sorted files and outputs the lines unique to each file and the lines common to both.


grep pattern <(zcat file.gz)

Grep through gzipped file without explicit extraction.


wc -l <(ls -l | grep "^-")

Counts the number of files in the current directory.

Zsh Configuration

Zsh Configuration Files

~/.zshrc - User-specific configuration file executed when a new shell is started interactively.

~/.zprofile - User-specific configuration file executed for login shells.

~/.zlogin - Alternative for ~/.zprofile, also executed for login shells.

~/.zlogout - User-specific configuration file executed when a login shell exits.

/etc/zsh/zshrc - System-wide configuration file for interactive shells.

/etc/zsh/zprofile - System-wide configuration file for login shells.

Options and Settings

setopt <option>

Enable a Zsh option.

unsetopt <option>

Disable a Zsh option.

bindkey <key> <command>

Bind a key sequence to a Zsh command.

alias <name>=<command>

Create an alias for a command.

export VAR=value

Set an environment variable.

source <file>

Execute commands from <file> in the current shell.

Example Configuration Snippets

Enable command autocorrection:

setopt correct

Set up a custom alias:

alias la='ls -la'

Configure history settings:


Enable vi mode:

 bindkey -v