Catalog / Watchexec Cheatsheet

Watchexec Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Watchexec, a tool that executes commands on file changes. Includes installation, basic usage, advanced options, and practical examples.

Installation & Basic Usage


Install Watchexec using your preferred package manager.


brew install watchexec

Rust (Cargo):

cargo install watchexec

Download pre-built binaries from the GitHub releases page.

Basic Usage

The most basic use case: running a command when any file in the current directory changes.


watchexec echo 'File changed!'

This will print ‘File changed!’ to the console every time a file in the current directory is modified.

Specifying the command to run

watchexec npm test

Runs npm test whenever a file changes in the current directory.

Watching Specific Files/Directories

You can tell Watchexec to only watch specific files or directories using the --watch or -w flag.


watchexec -w src -w tests npm test

This command watches the src and tests directories, and runs npm test when any file within those directories changes.

Advanced Options & Configuration

Filtering File Changes

Watchexec allows you to filter which file changes trigger a command execution using extensions or ignore patterns.

Example (Extensions):

watchexec --exts js,jsx,ts,tsx npm run build

This command only triggers the npm run build command when a file with a .js, .jsx, .ts, or .tsx extension is modified.

Example (Ignore Patterns):

watchexec --ignore 'node_modules/*' --ignore 'dist/*' npm run dev

This command ignores changes within the node_modules and dist directories, preventing unnecessary command executions.

Controlling Command Execution

You can control how Watchexec executes your commands using flags like --restart and --debounce.

Example (Restart):

watchexec --restart npm start

If npm start is already running, Watchexec will restart the process on file change. If not specified, watchexec will run the command in parallel which might not be desirable.

Example (Debounce):

watchexec --debounce 500 npm run test

This command debounces the execution of npm run test by 500 milliseconds. If multiple file changes occur within that time, the command will only be executed once after the last change.

Signal Handling

Use --signal or -s to specify which signal should be used to terminate the previously running process.


watchexec --signal SIGTERM npm start

This will send SIGTERM to the npm start process before restarting it.

Practical Examples

Web Development Workflow

Automatically rebuild and reload your web application on code changes.

Example (React):

watchexec -w src --exts js,jsx,ts,tsx,css,scss npm run start

Watches the src directory for changes in JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and SCSS files, then restarts the development server.

Backend Development Workflow

Automatically restart your backend server on code changes.

Example (Node.js):

watchexec -w src --exts js,ts --restart node server.js

Watches the src directory for changes in JavaScript and TypeScript files, then restarts the Node.js server.

Running Tests

Automatically run your tests when source files change.

Example (Jest):

watchexec -w src -w test --exts js,jsx,ts,tsx npm test

Watches the src and test directories for changes in JavaScript and TypeScript files, then runs the Jest test suite.

Troubleshooting & Tips

Common Issues

Too many restarts:
If your command is triggered too frequently, use the --debounce flag to limit the execution rate.

Ignoring files:
Ensure your --ignore patterns are correctly specified. Use glob patterns for directories (e.g., node_modules/*).

Tips and Tricks

Combine with other tools:
Watchexec works well with other build tools and task runners like Make, Gulp, or Webpack.

Use environment variables:
Pass environment variables to your command using the standard syntax (e.g., NODE_ENV=development watchexec npm start).

Configuration Files

For complex configurations, consider using a Watchexec configuration file (e.g., watchexec.toml).

Example watchexec.toml:

  main = "npm run dev"

  paths = ["src", "public"]
  extensions = ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx", "html", "css", "scss"]

  globs = ["node_modules/*", "dist/*"]

Run with watchexec --config watchexec.toml.