Catalog / Find Command Cheat Sheet

Find Command Cheat Sheet

A concise cheat sheet for the `find` command, covering essential options, conditions, and actions for locating files and directories in Unix-like operating systems. Includes practical examples for common use cases.

Basic Usage and Conditions

Basic Syntax

find <path> <conditions> <actions>

Searches for files and directories based on specified criteria, starting from a given path.

Path: The directory to start the search in (e.g., ., /, ~/Documents).
Conditions: Criteria to match files (e.g., -name, -type, -size).
Actions: What to do with the matched files (e.g., -print, -exec, -delete).

Name-Based Conditions

-name <pattern>

Matches filenames exactly as specified by the pattern.

find . -name "*.txt" (Finds all .txt files in the current directory and its subdirectories.)

-iname <pattern>

Case-insensitive version of -name.

find . -iname "*.TXT" (Finds .txt, .TXT, .Txt, etc.)

User/Group Conditions

-user <username>

Finds files owned by the specified username.

find /home -user john

-group <groupname>

Finds files belonging to the specified group.

find /var/www -group www-data


Finds files that are not owned by a valid user (orphaned files).

find / -nouser


Finds files that do not belong to a valid group.

find / -nogroup

Type-Based Conditions

-type f

Finds regular files.

find . -type f

-type d

Finds directories.

find . -type d

-type l

Finds symbolic links.

find /usr/bin -type l

-type b

Finds block special files.

find /dev -type b

-type c

Finds character special files.

find /dev -type c

-type p

Finds named pipes (FIFOs).

find /tmp -type p

-type s

Finds sockets.

find /var/run -type s

Size and Time Conditions

Size-Based Conditions

-size <n>[cwbkMG]

Finds files of the specified size. n is a number, and the following suffixes can be used:

c: bytes
w: two-byte words
b: 512-byte blocks (default)
k: kilobytes
M: megabytes
G: gigabytes

-size +10M

Finds files larger than 10MB.

find . -size +10M

-size -10k

Finds files smaller than 10KB.

find /tmp -size -10k

-size 1G

Finds files exactly 1GB in size.

find /data -size 1G

Time-Based Conditions

-atime <n>

Finds files last accessed n days ago.

find . -atime 7 (Finds files accessed 7 days ago.)

-mtime <n>

Finds files last modified n days ago.

find /var/log -mtime +30 (Finds log files modified more than 30 days ago.)

-ctime <n>

Finds files whose status was last changed n days ago.

find . -ctime -1 (Finds files whose status was changed in the last 24 hours.)

-newer <file>

Finds files modified more recently than <file>.

find . -newer reference.txt

-anewer <file>

Finds files which were accessed more recently than <file>.

find . -anewer reference.txt

-cnewer <file>

Finds files which had their status changed more recently than <file>.

find . -cnewer reference.txt

Newer With Time

-newerat <timestamp>

Finds files modified more recently than the timestamp.
Timestamp should be in a format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

find . -newerat "2024-01-01 12:00:00"

-neweram <timestamp>

Finds files which were accessed more recently than the timestamp.
Timestamp should be in a format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

find . -neweram "2024-01-01 12:00:00"

-newerc <timestamp>

Finds files which had their status changed more recently than the timestamp.
Timestamp should be in a format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

find . -newerc "2024-01-01 12:00:00"

Actions and Advanced Options

Action-Based Options


Prints the matched file or directory path to standard output (default action).

find . -name "*.log" -print

-exec <command> {} ;

Executes the specified command on each matched file. {} is replaced by the file path, and \; terminates the command.

find . -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \; (Deletes all .tmp files.)

-ok <command> {} ;

Similar to -exec, but prompts the user for confirmation before executing the command on each file.

find . -name "*.txt" -ok rm {} \;


Deletes the matched files or directories (use with caution!).

find . -type f -name "*.bak" -delete

Combining Conditions

\( <condition1> -and <condition2> \) or <condition1> -a <condition2>

Finds files that satisfy both condition1 and condition2.

find . \( -type f -and -name "*.txt" \)

\( <condition1> -or <condition2> \) or <condition1> -o <condition2>

Finds files that satisfy either condition1 or condition2 (or both).

find . \( -size +1M -or -name "*.log" \)

! <condition> or -not <condition>

Finds files that do not satisfy the specified condition.

find /home -not -user john

Other Useful Options

-depth <levels>

Processes the contents of each directory at the specified level. Useful for controlling search depth.

find . -depth 1 (Searches only within the current directory, not subdirectories.)

-maxdepth <levels>

Descends at most levels levels of directories below the starting point.

find . -maxdepth 3 -type f (Searches files up to 3 levels deep.)

-mindepth <levels>

Does not apply any tests or actions at levels less than levels.

find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.txt" (Searches for .txt files starting from the second level.)

-regex <pattern>

Uses a regular expression to match the entire file path.

find . -regex ".*/[A-Z].*\.txt" (Files with a capital letter directory .txt extension.)

Practical Examples

Common Use Cases

Finding and deleting empty directories:
find . -type d -empty -delete

Finding files modified in the last hour:
find . -type f -mmin -60

Finding setuid files:
find / -perm -4000

Finding files without execute permissions for others:
find . -type f ! -perm -o+x

Finding files that have been accessed in the last week:
find . -atime -7

Finding files owned by a specific user and group:
find /home -user john -group developers

Advanced Examples

Finding and compressing files older than 30 days:
find . -type f -mtime +30 -exec gzip {} \;

Listing all files in the current directory sorted by size:
find . -type f -printf '%s %p\n' | sort -nr | head

Finding all files bigger than 10MB and prompting before deleting:
find . -type f -size +10M -ok rm {} \;

Executing a script on each found file:
find . -name "*.py" -exec python3 {} \;

Handling Errors

Suppressing error messages (e.g., permission denied):
find . -name "*.txt" 2>/dev/null

Logging errors to a file:
find / -name "*.conf" 2>errors.log