Catalog / C Preprocessor Cheatsheet

C Preprocessor Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the C preprocessor, covering directives, macros, conditional compilation, and more. This guide provides a quick reference for developers working with C and C++.

Directives Overview

Include Directives

#include <file.h>

Searches standard system directories for file.h.

#include "file.h"

Searches the current directory first, then standard system directories.

#include MACRO

If MACRO expands to <...> or "...", the include directive is processed accordingly.


#define HEADER_FILE "my_header.h"
#include HEADER_FILE

Define and Undefine

#define SYMBOL

Defines a simple symbol. Commonly used for conditional compilation.

#define SYMBOL value

Defines a symbol with a value. The value can be any text.

#undef SYMBOL

Undefines a previously defined symbol.


#define PI 3.14159
#undef PI

Conditional Compilation

#ifdef SYMBOL
  // Code to compile if SYMBOL is defined
#ifndef SYMBOL
  // Code to compile if SYMBOL is not defined
#if expression
  // Code to compile if expression is true
#elif expression2
  // Code to compile if expression2 is true
  // Code to compile if none of the above are true
#if defined(SYMBOL)
  // Code to compile if SYMBOL is defined

Macros in Detail

Basic Macros

#define MACRO(arg) ((arg) * 2)

A simple macro that doubles its argument.

Example Usage:

int x = 5;
int y = MACRO(x); // y will be 10


Always enclose macro arguments in parentheses to avoid unexpected behavior due to operator precedence.

Stringification Operator (#)

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x

Converts a macro parameter into a string literal.


STRINGIFY(hello world) // expands to "hello world"

Token Pasting Operator (##)

#define CONCAT(x, y) x ## y

Concatenates two tokens into a single token.


CONCAT(var, 123) // creates a single token var123

Variadic Macros

#define LOG(format, ...) printf(format, __VA_ARGS__)

Creates macros that accept a variable number of arguments.


LOG("Error: %d", errno); // Prints an error message with the error number

Predefined Macros

Standard Predefined Macros


The name of the current input file, as a string literal.


The current line number in the input file, as a decimal integer.


The date of compilation, as a string literal in “Mmm dd yyyy” format.


The time of compilation, as a string literal in “hh:mm:ss” format.


Indicates that the implementation conforms to the C standard. Defined as 1.

Example Usage:

printf("File: %s, Line: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Compiler-Specific Macros

Compilers often define their own macros (e.g., __GNUC__ for GCC, _MSC_VER for Microsoft Visual C++).

These can be used for compiler-specific conditional compilation.


#ifdef __GNUC__
  // GCC specific code

Advanced Directives and Techniques

Error and Warning Directives

#error message

Causes the preprocessor to issue a fatal error message and halt compilation.

#warning message

Causes the preprocessor to issue a warning message, but compilation continues.


#if !defined(DEBUG)
  #error "DEBUG must be defined for this build."

Pragma Directive

#pragma directive

Specifies various compiler-specific instructions. Behavior varies between compilers.

Common Usage:

#pragma once - Prevents a header file from being included more than once in a single compilation unit.

Line Control

#line number "filename"

Resets the line number and filename reported by the compiler for subsequent code.


#line 100 "newfile.c"
// The next line will be reported as line 100 of newfile.c