Catalog / Inkscape Cheatsheet

Inkscape Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Inkscape, covering essential tools, keyboard shortcuts, and functionalities for efficient vector graphics editing.

Navigation & Zoom

Basic Zooming

Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up

Zoom In

Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down

Zoom Out


Zoom to 1:1 (100%)


Zoom to Selection


Zoom to Drawing


Zoom to Page


Zoom to Page Width


Middle Mouse Button (Drag)

Pan the canvas

Shift + Mouse Wheel

Horizontal Pan

Selection & Transformation

Selection Tool (F1)

Used for selecting, moving, scaling, and rotating objects.

  • Click - Select an object
  • Shift + Click - Add to selection
  • Ctrl + Click - Select object under


Ctrl + Drag Handle

Scale proportionally

Shift + Drag Handle

Scale from center

Alt + Drag Handle

Skew object

[ ]

Rotate selected object

Ctrl + Rotate

Rotate in 15-degree increments

Moving Objects

Arrow Keys

Nudge selected object

Shift + Arrow Keys

Nudge by larger increment

Path Editing

Edit Paths by Nodes Tool (F2)

Enables editing of path nodes and handles.

  • Click on path - Select node
  • Shift + Click - Select multiple nodes
  • Ctrl + Drag - Constrain movement

Node Manipulation

Ctrl + Drag Handle

Snap handle to 15-degree increments

Alt + Drag Handle

Modify handle freely (without constraint)


Insert new node


Delete selected node(s)

Shift + J

Join selected nodes

Shift + B

Break path at selected nodes

Path Operations

Ctrl + +

Union (add) paths

Ctrl + -

Difference (subtract) paths

Ctrl + *

Intersection of paths

Ctrl + /

Exclusion of paths

Ctrl + Alt + /

Division of paths

Drawing Tools

Bezier Tool (Shift+F6)

Draws Bezier curves and straight lines.

  • Click - Add node
  • Drag - Create curve handle
  • Ctrl + Click - Snap to angles
  • Enter - Finish drawing

Rectangle Tool (F4)

Click and Drag

Draw rectangle

Ctrl + Drag

Draw square

Shift + Drag

Draw from center

Ellipse Tool (F5)

Click and Drag

Draw ellipse

Ctrl + Drag

Draw circle

Shift + Drag

Draw from center