Catalog / Spacemacs Cheatsheet
Spacemacs Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for Spacemacs, covering essential shortcuts, layers, and configurations to boost your Emacs workflow.
Basic Navigation
Core Keybindings
Opens the Spacemacs key guide, your primary interface. |
Describe key. Shows what a key does. |
Describe function. Shows information about a function. |
Describe variable. Shows information about a variable. |
Find a key from a string |
Show all spacemacs commands. |
Basic Movement
Move cursor down one line. |
Move cursor up one line. |
Move cursor left one character. |
Move cursor right one character. |
Move forward one screen. |
Move backward one screen. |
Editing Basics
Insert mode: insert before cursor. |
Insert mode: insert after cursor. |
Insert mode: open a new line below. |
Delete under cursor. |
Delete character under cursor. |
Undo. |
File Management
File Operations
Find file (open file). |
Save file. |
Save all files. |
Copy file. |
Delete file. |
Rename file. |
Buffer Management
Next buffer. |
Previous buffer. |
Delete buffer (close). |
Switch to buffer. |
Kill current buffer. |
Revert buffer (reload from file). |
Configuration Files
Edit dotfile configuration. |
Reload configuration. |
Open .spacemacs file. |
Reload theme. |
Window Management
Window Selection
Select window left. |
Select window below. |
Select window above. |
Select window right. |
Window Manipulation
Move window left. |
Move window down. |
Move window up. |
Move window right. |
Split window horizontally. |
Split window vertically. |
Other Window Commands
Close current window. |
Only keep current window (delete others). |
Balance window sizes. |
Toggle window dedicated mode. |
Project Management
Project Switching
Switch to last project. |
Switch to project (ivy). |
Find file in project. |
Open files and recent. |
Project Tools
Show project tree. |
Open project terminal. |
Open terminal in project root. |
Project-related git commands. |
Search and Replace
Search in current buffer. |
Search in project. |
Replace in current buffer. |
Replace in project. |