Catalog / VS Code Ultimate Cheatsheet

VS Code Ultimate Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Visual Studio Code, covering essential shortcuts, commands, debugging, and customization tips to boost productivity.

Core Shortcuts

Basic Navigation

Ctrl+P / Cmd+P

Quick Open: Find and open any file by name.

Ctrl+Shift+N / Cmd+Shift+N

New VS Code instance.

Ctrl+Tab / Cmd+Tab

Cycle through open editors.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab / Cmd+Shift+Tab

Cycle backwards through open editors.

Ctrl+G / Cmd+G

Go to Line…

Ctrl+K Ctrl+S / Cmd+K Cmd+S

Open Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing Essentials

Ctrl+X / Cmd+X

Cut line (empty selection)

Alt+Shift+Down / Opt+Shift+Down

Copy line down

Alt+Shift+Up / Opt+Shift+Up

Copy line up

Ctrl+Shift+K / Cmd+Shift+K

Delete line

Ctrl+Enter / Cmd+Enter

Insert line below

Ctrl+Shift+Enter / Cmd+Shift+Enter

Insert line above

Code Formatting

Shift+Alt+F / Shift+Opt+F

Format document

Ctrl+K Ctrl+F / Cmd+K Cmd+F

Format selection

Advanced Editing

Multi-Cursor & Selection

Alt+Click / Opt+Click

Insert cursor

Ctrl+Alt+Up / Cmd+Opt+Up

Insert cursor above

Ctrl+Alt+Down / Cmd+Opt+Down

Insert cursor below

Ctrl+D / Cmd+D

Select next occurrence

Ctrl+K Ctrl+D / Cmd+K Cmd+D

Skip current occurrence

Shift+Alt+I / Shift+Opt+I

Insert cursor at end of each line selected

Code Folding

Ctrl+Shift+[ / Cmd+Shift+[

Fold (collapse) region

Ctrl+Shift+] / Cmd+Shift+]

Unfold (expand) region

Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 / Cmd+K Cmd+0

Fold all regions

Ctrl+K Ctrl+J / Cmd+K Cmd+J

Unfold all regions

Ctrl+K Ctrl+[ / Cmd+K Cmd+[

Fold current region

Ctrl+K Ctrl+] / Cmd+K Cmd+

Unfold current region

Find and Replace

Ctrl+F / Cmd+F


Ctrl+H / Cmd+Opt+F


Ctrl+Shift+F / Cmd+Shift+F

Find in Files

Ctrl+Shift+H / Cmd+Shift+Opt+F

Replace in Files

Debugging and Git

Debugging Shortcuts


Toggle breakpoint


Start / Continue debugging


Stop debugging


Step over


Step into


Step out

Git Integration

Ctrl+Shift+G / Cmd+Shift+G

Open Git view

Ctrl+ / Cmd+


Ctrl+Shift+P, then Git: Push


Ctrl+Shift+P, then Git: Pull


Ctrl+Shift+P, then Git: Stage Changes

Stage Changes

Ctrl+Shift+P, then Git: Unstage Changes

Unstage Changes

Customization and Productivity

Interface Customization

Ctrl+K Ctrl+T / Cmd+K Cmd+T

Change Theme

Ctrl+Shift+P, then Settings

Open Settings (JSON)

Ctrl+Shift+P, then Preferences: Open Settings (UI)

Open Settings (UI)

Ctrl+Shift+P, then Configure Display Language

Change Display Language

Productivity Tips

Use the integrated terminal (Ctrl+`` / Cmd+``) for quick command-line access.

Leverage extensions for language-specific support, linting, and code snippets.

Customize keyboard shortcuts via Ctrl+K Ctrl+S / Cmd+K Cmd+S to match your workflow.

Explore the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P / Cmd+Shift+P) to discover hidden features and commands.

Take advantage of VS Code’s IntelliSense for code completion, parameter info, and quick info.

Useful Extensions

Prettier - Code formatter

ESLint - Javascript Linter

Bracket Pair Colorizer - Matching brackets

Live Server - Live reload for static and dynamic pages

TODO Highlight - Highlights TODOs, FIXMEs, and other keywords