Catalog / Regex Cheatsheet

Regex Cheatsheet

A detailed cheat sheet featuring numerous regex examples and explanations on how regex works. Explore literal matching, metacharacters, groups, lookahead/lookbehind, alternation, and practical patterns for emails, URLs, dates, and code extraction.

Basic Regex Patterns

Literal & Simple Patterns

Matches the literal string “cat”.
Example: In “concatenate”, finds “cat” at position 0.

Matches the literal string “dog”.
Example: In “dogma”, finds “dog” at the start.

Matches the literal number sequence “123”.
Example: In “abc123xyz”, finds “123”.

Matches the literal word “hello”.
Example: In “well, hello there”, finds “hello”.

Matches the literal word “world”.
Example: In “hello world”, finds “world”.

The dot (.) matches any character (except newline), so it finds patterns like “acb” or “a-b”.

Anchors & Boundaries

Matches “Hello” only at the beginning of a string.
Example: In “Hello there”, matches at index 0.

Matches “world” only at the end of a string.
Example: In “Hello world”, matches at the end.

Matches one or more digits at the start of a string.
Example: In “123abc”, matches “123”.

Matches one or more word characters at the end of a string.
Example: In “foo bar”, matches “bar”.

Matches the literal word “start” at the beginning.

Matches the literal word “end” at the end.

Character Classes

Matches any one of the characters: a, b, or c.

Matches any uppercase letter.

Matches any digit from 0 to 9.

Matches any letter, regardless of case.

Matches any character that is not a digit.

Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline).


Matches zero or more occurrences of “a”.
Example: Matches “”, “a”, “aa”, etc.

Matches one or more occurrences of “a”.
Example: Matches “a”, “aa”, but not “”.

Matches zero or one occurrence of “a”.
Example: Matches “” or “a”.

Matches exactly three “a” characters.

Matches two or more occurrences of “a”.

Matches between two and four occurrences of “a”.

Advanced Regex Techniques

Grouping & Capturing

Captures the sequence “cat” into group 1.
Useful for backreferences.

Matches either “dog” or “cat” and captures the match.

Matches a pattern like a Social Security Number with three capturing groups.

Uses a named capturing group “area” to capture three digits.

A non-capturing group for the literal “abc”; grouping without storing the match.

Backreference to the first captured group. Ensures the same text is repeated.

Lookahead & Lookbehind

Positive lookahead: Asserts that “abc” follows without consuming characters.

Negative lookahead: Ensures that “abc” does not follow the current position.

Positive lookbehind: Matches “def” only if preceded by “abc”.

Negative lookbehind: Matches “def” only if not preceded by “abc”.

Matches “foo” only if it is immediately followed by “bar”.

Matches “bar” only if it is not immediately preceded by “foo”.

Alternation & Escaping

Matches either “cat” or “dog” using alternation.

Escapes the plus sign to match the literal string “a+b”.

Escapes square brackets to match the literal string “[abc]”.

Escapes the dot to match a literal period.

Matches a single backslash character.

Matches either “ac” or “bc” by grouping alternatives.

Practical Regex Examples

Email & URL Patterns

Email Pattern 1

Matches a standard email address format.

Email Pattern 2

A robust pattern for validating emails.

URL Pattern 1

Matches basic URLs with optional http/https and www.

URL Pattern 2

A more comprehensive URL matching pattern.

Simple URL

Matches URLs without protocol.

Email with mailto

Matches an email address with an optional “mailto:” prefix.

Date & Time Formats

ISO Date

Matches dates in YYYY-MM-DD format.

US Date

Matches dates in MM/DD/YYYY format.

European Date

Matches dates in DD-MM-YYYY format.

24-Hour Time

Matches time in HH:MM:SS format.

12-Hour Time

Matches time in 12-hour format with AM/PM.

Day of Week

Matches abbreviated days of the week.

Code Snippets & Extraction

Python Comment

Matches a Python comment line starting with ‘#’.


Matches a simple HTML tag with optional attributes.

JS Console Log

Matches a JavaScript console.log statement.

Python Function

Matches a Python function definition.

Java Main Method

Matches a Java main method signature.


Matches lines with TODO or FIXME comments.

JS Variable Declaration

Matches variable declarations in JavaScript.