Catalog / French Language Essentials
French Language Essentials
A concise cheat sheet for essential French grammar, vocabulary, and phrases, designed to aid learners in grasping fundamental concepts and communicating effectively. This guide covers key aspects of the language, from basic greetings to verb conjugations and sentence construction.
Basic Greetings & Expressions
Bonjour |
Hello / Good morning / Good day |
Bonsoir |
Good evening / Good night |
Salut |
Hi / Bye (informal) |
Au revoir |
Goodbye |
À bientôt |
See you soon |
À plus tard |
See you later |
Polite Expressions
S’il vous plaît |
Please (formal/plural) |
S’il te plaît |
Please (informal/singular) |
Merci |
Thank you |
De rien |
You’re welcome |
Excusez-moi |
Excuse me (formal) |
Pardon |
Sorry / Excuse me |
Basic Questions
Comment allez-vous ? |
How are you? (formal) |
Comment vas-tu ? |
How are you? (informal) |
Ça va ? |
How’s it going? (informal) |
Quel est votre nom ? |
What is your name? (formal) |
Comment tu t’appelles ? |
What is your name? (informal) |
Où est…? |
Where is…? |
Essential Grammar
Subject Pronouns
Je |
I |
Tu |
You (informal) |
Il / Elle |
He / She |
Nous |
We |
Vous |
You (formal/plural) |
Ils / Elles |
They (masculine/feminine) |
Être (to be) Conjugation
Je suis |
I am |
Tu es |
You are (informal) |
Il/Elle/On est |
He/She/One is |
Nous sommes |
We are |
Vous êtes |
You are (formal/plural) |
Ils/Elles sont |
They are |
Avoir (to have) Conjugation
J’ai |
I have |
Tu as |
You have (informal) |
Il/Elle/On a |
He/She/One has |
Nous avons |
We have |
Vous avez |
You have (formal/plural) |
Ils/Elles ont |
They have |
Useful Phrases
Introducing Yourself
Je m’appelle… |
My name is… |
Je suis… |
I am… (nationality/profession) |
Je viens de… |
I come from… |
J’habite à… |
I live in… |
Asking for Directions
Où sont les toilettes, s’il vous plaît ? |
Where is the bathroom, please? |
Comment aller à…? |
How do I get to…? |
Est-ce que c’est loin d’ici ? |
Is it far from here? |
Ordering Food/Drinks
Je voudrais… |
I would like… |
L’addition, s’il vous plaît. |
The bill, please. |
C’est délicieux ! |
It’s delicious! |
Common Vocabulary
Un |
One |
Deux |
Two |
Trois |
Three |
Quatre |
Four |
Cinq |
Five |
Six |
Six |
Sept |
Seven |
Huit |
Eight |
Neuf |
Nine |
Dix |
Ten |
Days of the Week
Lundi |
Monday |
Mardi |
Tuesday |
Mercredi |
Wednesday |
Jeudi |
Thursday |
Vendredi |
Friday |
Samedi |
Saturday |
Dimanche |
Sunday |
Rouge |
Red |
Bleu |
Blue |
Vert |
Green |
Jaune |
Yellow |
Noir |
Black |
Blanc |
White |