Catalog / CakePHP Cheat Sheet

CakePHP Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for CakePHP, covering conventions, core classes, ORM, and common tasks.

CakePHP Conventions

Naming Conventions


Plural, PascalCase, ends with Controller (e.g., ArticlesController)


Singular, PascalCase (e.g., Article)


Plural, PascalCase, ends with Table (e.g., ArticlesTable)


Lowercase, underscored (e.g., edit.php, view.php)

Database Tables:

Plural, underscored (e.g., articles, users)

Fields in Database:

Lowercase, underscored (e.g., article_id, created_at)

Directory Structure

src/Controller/ - Controller files.
src/Model/Table/ - Table classes (database access).
src/Model/Entity/ - Entity classes (data objects).
templates/ - View files.
config/ - Configuration files.
webroot/ - Publicly accessible assets (CSS, JS, images).

Core Classes & Usage



Loads a model into the controller.


Accesses POST data.


Accesses GET parameters.

$this->redirect(['controller' => '...', 'action' => '...']);

Redirects to another action.

$this->set(compact('variable1', 'variable2'));

Sets variables to be available in the view.


Displays a success flash message.



Retrieves all records.


Retrieves a single record by ID.

$entity = $this->newEntity($data);

Creates a new entity from data.

$this->patchEntity($entity, $data);

Patches an entity with new data.


Saves an entity to the database.


Deletes an entity from the database.


Entities represent individual table rows. You can access properties directly (e.g., $article->title). Use _accessible property to define which fields are mass assignable.

ORM Features



Defines a belongs-to association.


Defines a has-many association.


Defines a belongs-to-many association.


Defines a has-one association.

Eager loading associations

$this->Articles->find()->contain(['Authors', 'Comments']);

Retrieving Data

$this->find('all')->where(['Articles.published' => true]);

Find all published articles.


Retrieves data as a key-value list.


Retrieves data as a threaded list.


Retrieves first element.

Query Builder

CakePHP provides a powerful query builder for constructing complex database queries. Use the ->select(), ->where(), ->order(), ->limit(), and ->join() methods to customize your queries.

Common Tasks

Generating URLs

$this->Url->build(['controller' => 'Articles', 'action' => 'view', 1]);

Generates a URL to the view action of the Articles controller with ID 1.

Router::url(['controller' => 'Articles', 'action' => 'index']);

Generates a URL using the Router class (outside of views).


Generate path to asset.

Form Helper

echo $this->Form->create($article);

Creates a form for the $article entity.

echo $this->Form->input('title');

Creates an input field for the title property.

echo $this->Form->button('Submit');

Creates a submit button.

echo $this->Form->end();

Closes the form.


CakePHP’s baking tool can generate code for models, views, and controllers. Use the bin/cake bake command to generate code quickly. For example, bin/cake bake controller Articles.